Argentina Looks Good, Brazil Not So Much

Argentina has defaulted on its public debt – again. The country is familiar with the script that follows and unlikely to be intimidated by upset creditors. In fact, Argentina is seen blazing a trail for other countries grappling with debt

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Zaw Zaw Wants Nothing but the Best for Group and Country – Preferably With Some Football

Zaw Zaw is the founder and executive chairman of the Max Myanmar Group and AYA Financial Groups. His vision for Max Myanmar Group was simply to create one of the best institutions in the country – with a special focus

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Nordea Life Assurance Finland: Maintaining Focus on Key Issues Takes Assurance Company to a Winning Position

Nordea is thrilled to have been recognised for its continuous efforts for achieving exceptional customer experiences through operational excellence. Nordea Life concentrates on simplicity, agility, efficiency and quality, and maintains a focus on positive employee experience and wellbeing. Also in

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AFP Confía: Communication and Transparency Vital in Drive to meet Clients’ Pension Needs

AFP Confía, a subsidiary of Atlántida Financial Group, manages the largest private pension funds in Central America and the Caribbean. The El Salvador-based pension fund administrator began its operations in 1998. AFP Confia has been instrumental in shaping El Salvador’s

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Affordable Housing, Entrepreneurship, Nigerian Economy as Targets: Sonnie Ayere Has the Experience to Make It Happen

Founding chairman and group MD of investment firm DLM Capital Group, Sonnie Ayere, has a passion for empowering young Nigerian entrepreneurs – and the goal of boosting the country’s economy. He has the right sort of experience in corporate and

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Mohamed El Dib, Chairman & MD, QNB ALAHLI: Thinking Laterally and Literally About Egypt’s Financial Future

QNB ALAHLI is one of Egypt’s leading financial institutions, established in 1978 and ranked in 2020 as the country’s second-largest private bank. Mohamed El Dib is its Chairman & Managing Director. The full-service organisation operates around diversified business lines serving

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Otaviano Canuto on Central Banks and Climate Change: Turning Black Swans Into Green

There are three possible motivations for the engagement by central banks with climate change: financial risks, macro-economic impacts, and mitigation/adaptation policies. Regardless of the extent to which individual central banks incorporate the three prongs of motivations, they can no longer

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Resistance Is Futile as Berlin Backs EU Solidarity

For the third time in her 15-year reign, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has sprung a major surprise and taken the lead whilst others dither. In 2011, she renounced nuclear energy and fossil fuels, promising to put Europe’s largest economy on

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Few Strings in US, Many in Europe

As trillions of dollars and euros were being doled out in state aid by governments and central banks trying to buy their way out of a recession, some of the cash ended in the wrong pockets. This morning, The New

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EU: Stage Set for Clash

The Hague is expected to deploy the biggest gun available to EU member states and roll out its veto to derail a Franco-German plan that introduces eurobonds under a different name. Last week, the Dutch were said to have succumbed

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