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Friendly by Name, Supportive and Creative by Nature: This Mutual is True to its Mission and Core Values

Scottish Friendly’s commitment remains firmly on helping its customers achieve optimal financial outcomes. Scottish Friendly remains resolute in its commitment to serving and supporting its customers and their families, whatever the future holds. The organisations status as a mutual means

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Samarkand: History, Culture, and the Jewel of the ‘New Uzbekistan’ in conversation with Uzbekistan entrepreneur and philanthropist Bakhtiyor Fazilov, who sees rich promise in tourism. A fresh and progressive government, led by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, is forging ahead with the development of a “new Uzbekistan”. Just eight years after

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Big Issue Invest Restaurant Project Brings Hope and Employment to People Sleeping Rough in London

Major financial boost for world’s first fine-dining restaurant to be staffed by homeless people.  A six-figure investment from Big Issue Invest is helping to kick-start a social initiative giving homeless people employment at a fine-dining restaurant. The staff at Home

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The Man Driving the Rio Tinto Bus: Meet Jakob Stausholm

Rio Tinto chief executive Jakob Stausholm is steering this mining giant as it rolls towards sustainability. Since taking over as CEO in January 2021, Stausholm has led the company through hills and valleys of transition, aiming always for environmental responsibility,

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Recycling Plastic: Is it Working, and are we Doing Enough…?

Once seen as a ‘wonder material’, this by-product of the oil industry has become a global environmental menace. Millions of tonnes of plastic garbage are dumped into landfills and oceans each year, wreaking havoc on marine life and ecosystems. We

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Collaboration, Fintech and Crypto Dominate Italian Summit, and New VC Fund Announced by Generali

Why Italy is bucking a downward trend, and some take-aways from the 2023 Milan Fintech Summit… Italian insurance giant Generali Assicurazioni has announced a specialised insurtech and fintech venture capital fund within its larger Generali Ventures fund. It will dedicate

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Sri Lanka: Recovery, Redemption & Re-Birth

Ranil Wickremesinghe, Sri Lanka’s most resilient and experienced politician, was gifted his country’s presidency by his political opponents, just as his nation had been declared bankrupt. Although critics question his legitimacy to be Head of State as he lacks a

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Interview with Firas Sleiman – Partner and Technology, Digital & Cyber Leader at PwC in Qatar: Digital Leadership

About Qatar and Digital What technology or digital trends should the Qatari leader watch out for and invest in for the next decade? In the next few years, the focus of public and private sector CxOs and digital leaders will

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Rescue by Helicopter Reserves

The world woke up on Monday 23 with higher international reserves for all countries. A new allocation of US$650 billion (SDR450 billion) in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to its member countries has entered into

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Asian Development Bank: Towards a Blue Deal to Restore the World’s Oceans

Investments in recovering and maintaining a functioning marine ecosystem can form the foundation of a sustainable “blue economy.” Marine ecosystems are threatened by extinction. Over the past 50 years, the world has lost nearly half of its coral reefs and

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