Friendly by Name, Supportive and Creative by Nature: This Mutual is True to its Mission and Core Values

Scottish Friendly’s commitment remains firmly on helping its customers achieve optimal financial outcomes. Scottish Friendly remains resolute in its commitment to serving and supporting its customers and their families, whatever the future holds. The organisations status as a mutual means

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Paris-based Powerhouse Île-de-France: Leading the Way for Local Authorities

The region’s president, Valérie Pécresse, is gunning for nothing less than 100 percent when it comes to sustainable debt. Île-de-France Region is one of Europe’s leading local authorities, powered by economic dynamism and innovation. With a GDP of €764bn in

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Hands-on, Dedicated to Excellence, Driven by Inclusion and Diversity: Meet the Head of Scottish Friendly

This CEO is fulfilling the aspiration for his mutual to become a leader in the UK insurance sector. Scottish Friendly chief executive Stephen McGee’s ambition is “to create a world-class working environment” — one which is open, inclusive, collegiate, and

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Barış Öney is a Man of Many Talents — and Apparently Endless Energy

The founder of Globalturk Capital, Barış Öney, has many strings to his bow — and many successes to his name. Barış Öney, founder and managing partner of Globalturk Capital, has over 30 years of experience in pre- and post-investment management,

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BAWAG Forging Ahead and Staying at the Forefront of Banking Strategy by Maintaining a Long-Term Focus

People, patience, and profits are all allied for Austria’s burgeoning BAWAG banking group. Austria’s BAWAG has emerged as one of Europe’s most profitable and efficient banking groups, with a straightforward goal: to provide transparent and affordable financial products and services.

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Big Issue Invest Restaurant Project Brings Hope and Employment to People Sleeping Rough in London

Major financial boost for world’s first fine-dining restaurant to be staffed by homeless people.  A six-figure investment from Big Issue Invest is helping to kick-start a social initiative giving homeless people employment at a fine-dining restaurant. The staff at Home

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Pioneering Spirit, Boldness, and a Deep Understanding of ‘Unity’

Nordic firm United Bankers has history and success behind it — and a great future ahead.  Helsinki-based United Bankers set out to be a pioneer in real-asset investing for Nordic countries — and to expand its activities across Europe.  Over

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Patrick Anderson Knows How to Weather Rough Seas — and Has a Good Crew Behind Him

Patrick Anderson, the chief executive of Nordic asset management and financial markets firm United Bankers, in conversation with United Bankers management team is responsible for the company’s business as a whole. It prepares the corporate strategy and operating principles

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One Man’s View of the Mountain: UK Urgently Needs to Rejoin EU to Create Economic Security

Both parties are promising growth, but which policies are most likely to generate it? Growth is essential for continually improving living standards over the long term. However, British politicians fixate on growth for another reason: it ensures the feasibility of

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There’s More to Britain than London: Focus on Regions, Advises Think-Tank

Low investment in the UK’s regional cities is hindering economic growth and the country’s G7 status, report warns. A lack of investment in regional British cities has hampered economic growth, resulting in lower living standards than in the US, France,

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