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Biden Exits 2024 Presidential Race, Endorses Kamala Harris

In a surprising turn of events, President Joe Biden has announced that he is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. This decision comes after mounting pressure from within the Democratic Party and a widely criticised debate performance. Biden has

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Natrium: Taking a Nuclear Leap Towards a Low-Carbon Future

In June 2024, a silent revolution was taking place in the windswept plains of Kemmerer, Wyoming… A groundbreaking ceremony took place among the ghosts of America’s coal-mining past in June, a watershed moment in the global drive for sustainable energy.

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Goldin Girl: Putting Women’s Rights on a Level Footing

Claudia Goldin is a champion of economic equality for both genders… Claudia Goldin’s name evokes an unshakable commitment to increasing our understanding of gender equality in the workplace. This distinguished American economic historian, born in 1946 in the Bronx, New

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Otaviano Canuto: The Global War of Subsidies

US bids to limit tech imports and exports send a message of frustration and fear. Prior to her visit to China on April 4 — her second in nine months — Janet Yellen, US Secretary of the Treasury, sent a

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Breaking Down Biden’s 2025 Capital Gains Tax Proposal: What’s Really in Store

In President Biden’s proposal for the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget of the United States Government, one of the most talked-about components is the suggested increase in capital gains rates. The headline number of 44.6% has drawn significant attention and debate.

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How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect the Economy?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the name given to the broad spectrum of technologies by which machines can perceive, interpret, learn, and act by imitating human cognitive abilities. Automation was created to better fulfill repetitive tasks, increasing productivity. AI, with its

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Otaviano Canuto: Growth Implications from a Fractured Trading System

To understand the implications of a fractured trading system, let’s use the period known as hyper-globalisation, or globalisation 2.0, as a benchmark. In the 1980s and ‘90s, we saw the consequences of a tectonic shift deep beneath the global economy.

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OECD: The Funding Models of Development Finance Institutions

The drum beat of reform is increasing for the development system and particularly for the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). While the reform is looking to address a number of areas, there is a repeated call for the mobilisation of the

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Otaviano Canuto: Rising Use of Local Currencies for Cross-Border Payments

At the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa said they wanted to use more of their national currencies for cross-border payments. Those payments are currently dominated by the US dollar and

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Dollar Strains — Our Currency, Your Problem: Specialised Investment Research and Analysis from PGM Global Inc.

Unlike their DM counterparts, EM central banks have started to cut rates, in some cases aggressively, to offset weakening growth amid high inflation. The rate cuts and the weaker global growth outlook have hurt EM equities and local currency bonds.

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