Appreciation of ESG Values Has Increased During Pandemic, says Asset Manager of Goldman Sachs Sheila Patel

As a keen angler, Sheila Patel knows that the secret to hooking a big trout is to deliver the fly in a precise and careful manner. So when Covid-19 lobbed a rock into the financial world’s waters, one might have

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World Bank’s Vice President for Infrastructure: Now is the Time to Rethink Transport and Logistics

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on transport. The response to the pandemic, from social distancing to lockdown policies for affected areas, has disrupted mobility and connectivity everywhere. It has had cumulative impacts on the basic infrastructure and systems that

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Q&A with IBM’s Bashar Kilani: Need for New Skills Emerging as We Re-Imagine and Transition to the New Normal

Bashar Kilani oversees IBM business in the Gulf countries and the Levant, working with clients and partners across industries. In this Q and A, asks Kilani about the effects of coronavirus on business in the region, and more. Tell

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European Investment Bank: A United Europe Can Emerge Stronger From the Pandemic

The most marked economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis is on small businesses, which find themselves with insufficient resources to fight for survival. They need co-ordinated relief, and a collaborative international effort is the obvious way to face the problem.

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World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia: Interview with Anna Bjerde

Congratulations with your Mayday promotion as World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia. Are you excited to lead the World Bank’s strategic, analytical, operational and knowledge work in the region? Thank you! I am delighted to be returning

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UNCDF and Convergence: Getting the Right Blend in Game-Changing Finance

In December of 2015, the global news website, Quartz, published a piece entitled “Both Venture Capitalists and Banks are Betting on Blockchain.” In the five or so years since this piece was posted, the debate over blockchain persists — whether

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OECD: Key Takeaways From the Third OECD Conference on Private Finance to Realise the SDGs

The third annual OECD conference on private finance for sustainable development brought together more than 600 public and private actors to determine the steps ahead. There is an urgency for the private sector to shift more resources to sustainable development.

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2020 UNCTAD World Investment Forum: More Important Than Ever in an Age of Worrying Trends

In December this year, Abu Dhabi will welcome government leaders, CEOs and investment stakeholders for the seventh biennial UNCTAD World Investment Forum (WIF). The forum’s mission is to promote investment for sustainable development. And there are worrying trends, as well

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Looking for Bounce: Analysts Expect Short V-Shaped Recession

Ray Dalio, founder and CEO of hedge fund manager Bridgewater Associates, expects US corporations to lose at least $4 trillion due to the economic damage wrought by the corona pandemic. He calls for the doubling of the aid package being

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Clarion Call to Unite Behind Push to Achieve SDG Targets

In September 2019, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced a Decade of Action for the SDGs — a clarion call to accelerate progress for people and planet. Amake-or-break aspect of this push is to unlock the resources needed to finance the

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