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Making Expo 2020 Deeply Personal: How Accenture Helped Put the Visitor at the Heart of the World’s Greatest Show

When we first started working with Expo and Etisalat Digital over six years ago, they had bold and ambitious plans for what they wanted Dubai’s Expo to be. Now that it’s all over, we can say without argument that Expo2020

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The Great Dictator Becomes More and More Isolated

Russian fat cats are, of course, no longer welcome in Europe. But now, their four-pawed relations have been declared ‘non grata’ as well. The executive board of the Luxemburg-based Fédération Internationale Féline (Charmingly abbreviated to FIFe) ruled that any cat

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IFC: After Glasgow, Four Steps to Keep Us On Track

The UN Climate Conference in Glasgow saw a flurry of commitments and proposals to limit temperature rises to 1.5°C. While there was concrete headway on several fronts, COP26 also underscored the enormity of the task still ahead. Four clear signposts

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Interview with Alexis Lecanuet, Accenture Middle East: Creating Value Through Continuous Transformation

How has your professional journey qualified and prepared you for being the Middle East Region MD for Accenture? As a true veteran at Accenture, starting my journey with the company back in 1996 – I am proud to champion large-scale

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World Bank: Sustained Global Solidarity Needed to Achieve Global COVID-19 Recovery

The pandemic has affected virtually everyone in the world, but its impacts have been hardest on the poor and vulnerable, deepening inequalities and exacerbating underlying challenges. Now more than ever, global solidarity is needed to address the widening gaps between

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Uzbekistan on the Path to Becoming Carbon-Neutral

In the race to become carbon-neutral, it is useful to look at where the race began. In Uzbekistan, a nation rich in natural gas, it began with nearly all energy requirements — 96.75 percent in 2019 — being met by

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World Bank on Sustainable Recovery: The Need for Long-Term Financing

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every country’s health system and economy to a degree not seen for a century or more. In developing countries, mounting an adequate response to address these simultaneous shocks has created fiscal challenges, especially for those

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Banking CEOs Tell IBM What is Essential In A Post-Pandemic Reality

“Uncertainty is the new normal” as reminded by Kristalina Georgieva, chairperson of the IMF, during her CNN interview in late 2019. The pandemic outbreak has been the most unfortunate realisation of this awareness. Growing uncertainty has been affecting people’s health

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Uzbekistan’s Dynamism Presents New Opportunities for Post-Brexit Britain

Though 5,000 km apart, the UK, an economic leader in the world, and my emerging but fast-developing nation are quietly forming a partnership no-one could have imagined three decades ago, when Uzbekistan broke away from the crumbling Soviet Union. I

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World Bank on COVID-19: The Road Back Must Be Green, Resilient, and Inclusive

By Axel van Trotsenburg World Bank Managing Director of Operations COVID-19 has imposed a deeper, more widespread shock than the global community has faced in many decades. The pandemic is causing illness and death, disrupting livelihoods, and potentially pushing an

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