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Justin Yifu Lin: Eastern Perspectives, Western Preconceptions, and Prospects for Shared Economic Growth

Justin Yifu Lin made history in 2008 as the first non-Westerner appointed as chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank. Lin, one of China’s most renowned economists, currently serves as an official advisor to the Chinese government and

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Poverty Myths, and Professorial ‘Power Couple’ Dispelling Them

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo give new meaning to the term “power couple”. The husband-and-wife team are economics professors at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), critically acclaimed authors and, most recently, Nobel laureates. The duo has dedicated their lives to

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Lucrezia Reichlin: Data Pioneer Hopes for a New Era of Economic Co-operation

Italian economist Lucrezia Reichlin is recognised as one of the pioneers of big data. Reichlin made history as the first female director-general of research at the European Central Bank (ECB), and currently teaches economics at London Business School. The Rome

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Cristina Junqueira, Nubank Co-Founder: Brazil’s Wonder Woman of Fintech

When the first Nubank card transaction was made in Brazil on April 1, 2014, you wouldn’t have been a fool for failing to anticipate the swift growth of the neobank (one that operates exclusively online). Nor would you have been

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Atif Mian: Theory, Practice, and Macro-economic Reality in a World Longing for Rebound

“Economic disasters are almost always preceded by a large increase in household debt.” The above proclamation comes from a critically acclaimed 2014 book, House of Debt, written by research colleagues Atif Mian, from Princeton University, and Amir Sufi, from the

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Reshma Sohoni: An Identity and an Ambition Forged Through a Lifetime of Migration — and Adaptation

Reshma Sohoni migrated to the US from India at the age of 10, moved to France to pursue an MBA at INSEAD, and now calls London home. She says she feels “as Indian as American, and as American as European”.

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Hadiyah Mujhid, CEO and founder of HBCU.vc: George Floyd’s Death Brought in Flood of VC Offers for Black Founders in US

Hadiyah Mujhid is CEO and founder of HBCU.vc, a not-for-profit organisation that helps African American and Hispanic students become technology entrepreneurs and access venture capital. The acronym — Historically Black Colleges and Universities — nails literal and figurative colours to

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Ambareen Musa, Founder & CEO of Souqalmal: From Mauritius with Love for Fintech, and lots of Ambition

Ambareen Musa, founder and CEO of financial aggregator marketplace Souqalmal, sees a glowing future for fintech — and she believes in striking while the iron is hot. “The opportunity for fintech is absolutely massive,” she told Forbes magazine. “It’s only

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Jenny Lee, Managing Partner of GGV Capital: ‘Geek’ Mentality Coupled with Passion for Disruption Makes a Neat Niche

The Forbes Global 100 VC Midas list ranks the world’s best dealmakers in hi-tech and life science venture capital investors. Jenny Lee has made it to number 10 — the highest-ever female ranking. The managing partner of GGV Capital, Shanghai,

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Taking Underground Approach to Carbon Neutral Heating for Homes

Limitless carbon-neutral energy is right under our feet, says Kathy Hannun, the co-founder and president of geothermal giant Dandelion Energy. While geothermal usually means magma-driven energy projects, Dandelion focuses on the Earth-powered heating and cooling of homes. Dandelion residential geothermal

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