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BBVA Asset Management: Going Global in the Battle to Bring Sustainability to the Wider World of Investment

Spanish bank BBVA is working on a global strategy which will affect all of its investment solutions. BBVA Asset Management embeds sustainability in the process. It has launched a sustainability plan that applies to all of its mutual and pension

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Inclusive Markets Are Not Born: How UNCDF is Supporting Inclusive Digital Economies

Inclusive Markets Are Not Born: How UNCDF is Supporting Inclusive Digital Economies by Advancing the Right Policies and Regulations If you were asked to describe in one word how digital has transformed finance, you wouldn’t be able to do it.

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OECD: Blended Finance Institutional Role in Responding to COVD-19

COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on developing countries and undone years of progress on sustainable development, pushing back into poverty large sections of the population. World Bank analysis projects growth in Sub-Saharan Africa to decline to -3.3% in 2020,

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Région Île-de-France: A Region Spearheading Sustainable Finance

Région Île-de-France is home to more than 12 million inhabitants — a fifth of the country’s population — and accounts for 31 percent of France’s GDP. That makes it France’s wealthiest region; its own GDP stands at €734bn. Divided into

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Dr Chitwan Malhotra: Healthcare Hands Meet Across the Waters in Push for Rebuild

The global pandemic has exposed the flaws and inequalities of the world’s healthcare systems. But doctor Chitwan Malhotra, the executive director of the UNSDG Health Partnership in Geneva, believes it also represents an opportunity to build back better. “I believe

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Convergence Partners: Impact Investing, and the Metrics Needed to Ascertain the Benefits

It’s possible to fudge the definition of ‘impact’ in one’s favour – and that’s just not acceptable for South Africa’s Convergence Partners.  Business owners, communities and the environment must – as a precondition for sustainability, inclusion and prosperity – participate

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From 1919 to 2020, the Varied, Advancing Path of Polifarma Has Kept Pace with Medical Needs

Italian pharmaceutical company Polifarma was founded in Rome in 1919, and is now part of the Final Group, an Italian holding with a strong orientation in the pharmaceutical sector. Over time, Polifarma has invested in various product sectors, including sanitary,

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Kommunalkredit: The Importance of Sustainable Infrastructure Increasingly Vital During These Challenging Times

In times like these, the importance of sustainable investment in infrastructure is growing. The demands on infrastructure are constantly changing, from economic and socio-political perspectives. Infrastructure must adapt to these requirements. Public services are in particular focus due to the

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Hydropower and its Prospects

Alternative energy sources, and hydro in particular: interviews Wolfgang Kröpfl, CEO of enso GmbH, Gilbert Frizberg, CEO of eHydro500 GmbH, and Günther Rabensteiner, CTO of eHydro500 GmbH. Mr Kröpfl, how has hydropower developed as an asset class for investors?

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Lord Waverley: A New Chapter for the UK and a Meeting Place for the World

With the EU agreement now in place, the United Kingdom has the chance to develop a strategy that addresses the ambitions and goals of the country at large. The halcyon days of yesteryear have not diminished but do need to

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