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AUM Asset Management Ltd.: ESG Investing from the Bottom Up & Top Down – Setting a New Standard

Malta-based AUM Asset Management Ltd. has made ESG investing a core part of its investment approach and strategy. AUM Asset Management Ltd. is an independent investment management company founded in 2015 by financier and investor Jean-François de Clermont-Tonnerre, which offers

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Shelter Afrique: Building Africa — One Roof at a Time

The great continent is facing a shortage of affordable housing — and that’s just one of the developmental challenges being tackled by Shelter Afrique. Africa’s housing scarcity is at crisis point due to rapid population growth and urbanisation. Governments and

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Emerging Market Debt Has Promise that GoldenTree Understands and Harnesses — Even In Trying Times

Macro-economic crosscurrents have led to a broad opportunity set in credit markets, and global credit manager GoldenTree has delivered compelling returns to investors despite the turbulent times. GoldenTree Asset Management, to give it its full title, is an employee-owned firm

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Eric Pedersen on The Power of Active Ownership: Battling the Vung Ang 2 Threat

What should a responsible investor do when they see a company carrying out harmful activities? Eric Pedersen, Head of Nordea Asset Management’s Responsible Investments Team explains the company’s philosophy. Nordea Asset Management regularly ponders the “What should we do?” question.

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Ghana Investment Promotion Centre: Laws of Attraction – GIPC Draws Global Attention to the Investment Opportunities in Ghana

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre has over the years, adopted multi-tiered approaches to carry out its mandate, in promoting and attracting investments into Ghana. The Centre has initiated and supported dynamic measures to enhance the business climate for Ghanaian and

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Locked and Loaded in the Battle for Sustainability, Neuflize OBC Maintains Its Priority Values

Three-and-a-half centuries ago, France’s Banque Neuflize OBC was founded by entrepreneurs and philanthropists — and social responsibility has been a priority ever since. Neuflize OBC has been committed to a proactive CSR strategy for the past decade. Its teams strive

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John Gandolfo, IFC’s Treasurer: Looking Towards Recovery from Covid-19 and a Green, Resilient, Inclusive Future

The Covid-19 crisis has impacted the health and livelihoods of many millions of people across the planet, and it continues to impose an enormous toll on the poor, threatening decades of progress towards raising living standards in the developing world.

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KPMG Lower Gulf: Banking on ESG Risks in Future

ESG risks have the potential of negatively impacting banks’ assets, earning capacity, and sometimes their reputation, argues Abbas Basrai. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and the emerging risks associated with them are becoming increasingly relevant to organizations, especially banks.

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Zoscales Partners: Invest Where It matters

Impact is embedded in the DNA of Zoscales Partners. Since its founding in 2014, the private equity firm has not only delivered competitive financial returns but has generated measurable impact and contributed to sustainable economic growth and quality job creation

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Interview with Grete Faremo, Executive Director of UNOPS: Inclusive Infrastructure Development

In pre-pandemic Oct 2019 (about 20 months ago) you wrote an article for magazine that highlighted the importance of infrastructure for communities, sustainable development and across the SDGs. If so, how have the world and your conclusions changed? While

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