Back to homepageCreating More Strategic Relevance for the Investment Banking Sector
Many people think of investment banks as firms with a rolodex of fixed income and equity investors and companies that could be for sale. Partly true, of course, but the infrastructure behind the larger banks has pushed fundraising and M&A
Read MoreSeventy Years of Experience, Billions in AUM and Multiple Awards — La Trobe Financial is simply ‘Killing it’
Australian asset manager rules the Antipodes with a client-focused attitude that has attracted 93,000 retail investors With over $17bn in assets under management, La Trobe Financial is Australia’s leading alternative credit asset manager. With more than seven decades of experience,
Read MoreAn Acronym with History and an Eye on the Future: LBBW’s ‘Niche’ is Global, and Growing
As its name suggests, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg — LBBW to its friends — has its roots in Baden-Württemberg, in south-west Germany near the borders of France and Switzerland. With total assets of €324bn, it is one of the largest banks in
Read MoreHydro, Hydro, and Off to Work Go Your Euros — RENAIO has its Game Plan All Worked Out
Unique combination of technology and sustainable asset management. Hydropower is key to accelerating and diversifying the global energy transition — and RENAIO Assets, founded in 2019, has embraced that trend. Today it is a leading asset manager for the sector
Read MoreAccess Granted: Simple Policies in a Complicated Financial Ecosystem
The Access Bank UK is a Nigerian success story that has passed the $100m milestone for three years in a row. The Access Bank UK Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nigerian Stock Exchange-listed Access Bank Plc, is having
Read MoreCare, Fairness, Trust, and Respect Allow Copernicus to Look Beyond
Deep financial expertise and a holistic approach to business drive Swiss firm’s expansion Independent financial group Copernicus is true to its name: it puts its clients firmly at the centre of the business universe. Founded in Switzerland in December 2016,
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto: The Dollar’s ‘Exorbitant Privilege’ Remains
Otaviano Canuto discusses the ongoing role of the greenback in international monetary systems… There has been talk of “de-dolarisation” of the global economy, with recent initiatives and policy moves by China and other countries to extend the reach of use
Read MoreMiddle-Market Direct Lending
A Lucrative Alternative Asset Class The US is home to some 200,000 companies dubbed “middle-market” — typically with EBITDA up to $150m. On a stand-alone basis, America’s middle-market represents a $6.3tn economy, third-largest in the world. Non-bank lending to these
Read MorePaolo Sironi, IBM: 7 Bets for 7 Trends That’ll Future-Proof Industries and Society
From generative AI to quantum technology, things are moving on a-pace. When US President John F Kennedy gave his famous “Moon speech” in September 1962, against the backdrop of the Cold War, he described “an hour of change and challenge,
Read MoreA Challenger with its Head and Heart in the Cloud has Dropped Latency to Mere Microseconds
Aquis Exchange, the UK-based creator and facilitator of financial markets, has a track record of innovation and disruption — and this leopard isn’t changing its spots CFI wanted to know more about Aquis, and the developing technologies and strategies in
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