Back to homepageRosabeth Moss Kanter: A Glowing Academic Career that Defies Attempts at Abbreviation
The problem of profiling Rosabeth Moss Kanter, holder of the Ernest L Arbuckle Professorship at Harvard Business School, is trying to fit her accolades into the allotted space. Kanter advises CEOs and senior executives via her consulting group, and was
Read MoreRubicon Leadership Driven by Passion to Put an End to Waste
Rubicon is a software platform with a mission: to end waste. It provides smart recycling solutions for businesses and governments worldwide. Rubicon helps its partners — haulers, businesses, companies, cities, and municipalities — find economic value in their waste streams
Read MoreRubicon’s Mission is Inclusive, and More Important Now than Ever
Every service that Rubicon provides, every line of code in the software that it creates, and every interaction that it has with its customers and partners, is focused on one mission: to end waste. Through its software platform, the cities,
Read MoreHard-Hit but Striking Back: Dubai Finds Correct Balance
Last year, Dubai registered a sharp decline in its population. Almost eight of every 100 inhabitants left the country as the pandemic and a drop in oil prices unsettled nerves and the economy. Key sectors such as real estate, tourism
Read MoreKaan Terzioğlu, Co-CEO of VEON: The Privilege of Connecting Lives and Livelihoods
“We touch millions of people every day: their lives, their businesses. And, especially during the Covid era, it is clear that our industry is the backbone of society,” says Terzioğlu. “We provide connections between those who cannot travel or interact.
Read MoreSergi Herrero, Co-CEO of VEON: Product as Mission
“The distinctions between telecoms, technology and data companies are vanishing rapidly. What lies ahead of us is seamless digital opportunity.” Sergi Herrero spent 12 years in the San Francisco Bay Area during the heyday of tech, serving as Facebook’s global
Read MoreIBM Thought Leadership: Transform Bank Business Models and Client Engagement With Open Hybrid Multicloud
Paolo Sironi is the global research leader in Banking and Financial Markets at IBM, Institute of Business Value. IBV is the thought leadership centre of IBM. In this article, Paolo discusses banks’ transition to new business architectures based on open
Read MoreKatia Coudray, CEO of Asteria Investment Managers: Leading from the Front, Keeping Focus on Specific Goals
Asteria Investment Managers chief executive Katia Coudray is a leader who has proven her mettle many times over. She has more than 20 years of experience in investment functions and executive roles. Coudray created and co-founded Asteria Investment Managers, which
Read MoreSouth Africa Teetering on the Edge of Political and Economic Precipice
Keep South Africa Safe: the slogan is stamped on President Cyril Ramaphosa’s favourite facemask, and could refer to more than just the pandemic. The country is embroiled in an epic struggle to save the rule of law from falling prey
Read MoreFree Trade in Retreat in Europe due to Environmental and Labour Standards
The EU free trade baton, carried by the UK until Brexit, has been relayed to the Stockholm Six of like-minded liberal countries pushing back against French and Italian pressure for Europe to get tougher on trade defence, and relax on
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