Samba Tech: One of the Hottest Startups in the World

By Pedro Filizzola Samba Tech’s story begins back in 2004 when our CEO and then marketing student, Gustavo Caetano, was an intern at a big health insurance provider in Brazil, but wasn’t enjoying the experience. He didn’t like the internal

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Fruitful Relationships: Clearing and Settlement in Brazil

By Flavio Peppe As Brazil’s economy has grown so has its financial markets. The volume of equities traded on the main market, BM&F BOVESPA, has increased five-fold over the past five years, and the exchange’s derivatives platform was the world’s

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Brazilian Investor Relations Institute (IBRI): Access to International Capital Markets

Connecting Brazilian Investor Relations (IR) professionals with global capital markets is a key objective for IBRI (Brazilian Investor Relations Institute). With this objective in mind, every two years, IBRI hosts Brazil Day, an international forum in which the country’s leading

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NEPAD: Boosting Africa’s Most Valuable Renewable Natural Assets – Fish

Sierra Leone’s fisheries sector, valued at 735 million US dollars, has received a boost from the Partnership for African Fisheries Programme (PAF), through 1,4 million US dollars disbursed by its West Africa Pilot Project (WAPP).  This intervention will provide direct

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IABA: E-Sustainability – Law and Technology Working for the Environment

By Leonardo A. F. Palhares and Caio Iadocico de Faria Lima The times we live in have been shaped by evolution and technology in a very interesting way. In June 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as

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Frugality, Education, Infrastructure and Attitude Change is Needed in the West: We Should Not Rely on Keynesian Nostrums to Pull Us Through

By Jon Moynihan The West’s economic dilemma will not be solved until those countries have not just restructured their balance sheets, by significantly lowering expenditure, but have also significantly changed the mix of that expenditure. In the UK and the

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New ‘Pacific Alliance’ Upbeat and Seeking Competitive Advantages

Leaders of Pacific Alliance: Ollanta Humala, President of Peru; Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia; Sebastián Piñera, President of Chile; Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico.   The new bloc’s integration opens up significant opportunities for incremental economic development through increased

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IBGC: Progresses in Corporate Governance – Brazil is Also on Board

By Heloisa B. Bedicks In a hindsight, we can identify several milestones in the evolution of capital markets, as well as national and international organizations that underpin such evolution. As part of an ongoing process, crises in corporate and financial

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Baker & McKenzie: Kazakhstani International and Domestic Securities Offerings

By Edward A. Bibko With its large natural resources and relatively transparent legal regime, Kazakhstan has long been a destination for international companies. In addition, its domestic companies have been attracting international capital for years.  Within the CIS, the country has

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UN Economic Commission for Africa: Domestic Resource Mobilization in Africa

By Emmanuel Nnadozie, Chief Economist and Director, Economic Development and NEPAD Division (UN Economic Commission for Africa) A major challenge facing African countries is how to mobilize adequate, stable and predictable domestic resources to finance priority programmes and projects of

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