Back to homepagePwC Nigeria: Does Size Really Matter? Economic and Fiscal Implications of Nigeria’s Rebased GDP
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an internationally recognised measure of economy size and strength. It is importance to have up-to-date data so the rebasing is a step in the right direction. It is expected to make planning and investment decisions
Read MoreGhana: Crisis as a Hallmark of Enduring Success
A solid mechanism has been put in place with Norwegian assistance to ensure that the proceeds from Ghana’s newly found offshore oilfields are spent wisely and to the benefit of the entire nation. A sovereign wealth fund is to receive
Read MoreUN Member States Receive Report on Finance for Sustainable Development
The General Assembly formally received an expert report on August 19, 2014 setting out options that can be weighed by Member States on ways to finance the United Nations-driven sustainable development agenda, which will aim to improve people’s lives and
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Commodity Super Cycle to Stick Around a Bit Longer
Some analysts have predicted that the commodity price boom has played itself out. However, natural resource-based commodity prices (with the exception of shale gas and its downward pressure on US natural gas prices) have remained relatively high over the last
Read MoreFrom Greece to Canada – George Delaportas: Big Dreams Need Big Country
George Delaportas is writing a new language and needs four years of research, and about EUR 80,000, to compile its dictionary and syntax. This young Greek entrepreneur, now at home in Vancouver, hopes that crowd-funding – and some chutzpa –
Read MoreWorld Bank Group Commits US$ 5 Billion to Boost Electricity Generation in Six African Countries
The World Bank Group has committed $5 billion in new technical and financial support for energy projects in six African countries – Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania—which have partnered with President Obama’s Power Africa initiative. Making the announcement on
Read MoreThe Euro – A Paradox Checks Into Hotel California
It could have been conceived a bit more thoughtfully, but as a project the European common currency is not altogether farfetched or indeed destined for failure. The euro was specifically created to offer an alternative to the erstwhile all-mighty US
Read MoreBack to Africa – Chibwe Masabo Henry: The Diaspora as a Driver of Development
Having medical doctors, specialists, nurses and other healthcare workers readily available to take charge in case of illness may be the norm in many developed countries; it still is much the exception elsewhere on the globe. Countless lives are lost
Read MoreThe European Conundrum
The European Union is an interesting project that – once logic is duly applied – must end up with the foundation of a United States of Europe (USE). Strangely enough, very few of the union’s citizens actually want to live
Read MoreGabriel García Márquez (1927-2014): A Farewell to the Patriarch of Literature
It is a rare genius who can encapsulate in writing the soul of a country. One who does so with an entire continent is rarer still. Those attributed with such virtuosity tend to be long dead, and most had the
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