Meets the CEO of Mineworkers Provident Fund: Mkuseli Mbomvu

Since 2012, Mkuseli Mbomvu is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Mineworkers Provident Fund (MWPF). Before that, he held various senior leadership positions between Old Mutual and Sanlam and has been in the industry for the past twenty years. Mr

Read More Meets the Director General of Senelec: Mouhamadou Makhtar Cissé

Mouhamadou Makhtar Cissé has served as director general of Senegalese power company Senelec since June 2015. Mr Cissé previously served for five years as the director general of Customs of Senegal, during which time he also served for a time

Read More Meets the CEO of Assupol Life: Bridget Mokwena-Halala

In South Africa’s busy life insurance market, that sees at least 52 providers vie for business, Assupol stands out not least because it boasts well over a century’s worth of experience. The company is widely recognized as a trend setter,

Read More Meets the CEO of Touch Bank: Andrei Kozliar

As CEO of Touch Bank, Andrei Kozliar serves as a chief strategist and visionary-in-residence of Russia’s digital-only retail bank established to meet growing customer demand for simple, honest, and instant banking. Mr Kozliar is a seasoned banker with over seventeen

Read More Meets LBBW: Hard Work, Excellent Results

Since the financial crisis, few markets have experienced more changes than debt capital markets. It all started with struggling government bonds in select countries. Subsequent measures of the ECB like the APP have brought about an additional dimension to market

Read More Meets the CEO of MDS Group & Brokerslink: José Manuel Dias da Fonseca

José Manuel Dias da Fonseca has more than 30 years’ experience in insurance and risk management and is chief executive officer of the MDS Group and Brokerslink. Mr Da Fonseca is a member of the board of directors of London-based

Read More Meets the CEO and Founder of Kaiserwetter Energy Asset Management: Hanno Schoklitsch

Renewable energy investors need service providers that are familiar with the investment landscape at local level, can adapt to the latest technologies, and have a clear vision of market evolution and regulation. Hanno Schoklitsch, CEO and founder of Kaiserwetter Energy

Read More Meets the CEO of Radix: Luiz Eduardo Rubião

Radix CEO Luiz Eduardo Rubião thinks innovation. In 2010, along with seven partners, he founded Radix, a company founded on the conviction that it is possible to develop technology in Brazil, while adding expertise in engineering, automation, and software development

Read More Meets the CEO of Aluminium Bahrain: Tim Murray

From a numbers guy of an automotive company to the CEO of one of the world’s largest aluminium smelters, Tim Murray has travelled a very interesting journey. As a certified public accountant from Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania, Mr Murray worked

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Emmanuel Macron: Perfect Timing

The fate of the European Union may well rest on his shoulders. Front-runner in the French election campaign, Emmanuel Macron (39) is widely expected – but not guaranteed – to trash Marine Le Pen in the May 7 run-off for

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