Guy Verhofstadt

He is the one European politician almost all Brits love to hate – and he knows it. Guy Verhofstadt, however, gives as good as he gets and visibly enjoys yanking the chains that tie Brexiteers to their grand project. Throwing

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Jacob Rees-Mogg

Tipped as the conservatives’ answer to Jeremy Corbyn, the aristocratic Jacob Rees-Mogg (48) suddenly appears as one of a dwindling field of contenders for Prime Minister Theresa May’s job. Whilst Mrs May has no intention to step down, her inconsistent

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Jean-Claude Juncker

Dismissed and ridiculed as a failed small-town administrator with a penchant for fine wines and cognacs, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker represents to some all that is wrong with the European Union: a faceless apparatchik given to bullying people and

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Marcus du Sautoy: What We’ll Never Know

He poses questions that may never be answered and argues that the field of human knowledge is finite – confined by seven edges beyond which the truly incomprehensible resides: the nature of time, the source of human consciousness, and other

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Catherine Abel: Stretching the Canvas of Art Deco

A young lady from the Australian outback, determined to become part of the famed Paris art scene, Catherine Abel has managed to shape her world into a refined cubist and neoclassical image reminiscent of Polish-born painter Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980)

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Michael Lewis: Explaining Human Foibles

Few writers can match Michael Lewis’ uncanny sense for capturing, and explaining, the zeitgeist. After detailing the inner workings of capital markets and showing how they appear rigged for failure, the US author has turned his attention to behavioural economics

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Sallie Krawcheck: The Power of Networking

She has been called The Last Honest Analyst and suffered years of sexual harassment before gaining recognition as one of Wall Street brightest operators. Sallie Krawcheck has paid her dues and shattered a succession of glass ceilings to become one

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Zero Freitas: All Yesterday’s Parties

Gravity, scientists explain, is a function of mass. The more massive an object, the greater the pull it exerts. The same applies to collections: once a certain volume has been attained, their mass increases almost exponentially. Libraries take over entire

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Thomas Kaplan: Building Bridges with Art

He has more Rembrandts – eleven paintings and two drawings – than any other private art collector. Billionaire investor, philanthropist, and art lover Thomas Kaplan made a veritable killing trading in precious metals and went on to further monetise his

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Alexei Navalny: Unwilling to Play Along

He is the man Vladimir Putin is said to fear the most. Alexei Navalny (41), a lawyer by trade and an activist by choice, wants to unseat and replace the Russian president. However, a five-year suspended sentence for embezzlement, squashed

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