Brave New World

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Global Warning: Asia is Critical to Addressing Climate Change

Asia emits about half of the world’s global greenhouse gas emissions and that figure is set to increase if the right policies are not put in place. Asia’s future will be heavily shaped by climate change. The region has special vulnerabilities,

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Championing CBDCs — Who’s Who in the Race?

Central banks front and centre, of course — but little is straightforward in the biggest currency jump we’ve faced since shells went out of fashion… The emergence of Bitcoin over a decade ago was a revelation. Even with the turbulent

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Asian Development Bank: Decarbonisation ‘Won’t Work Unless it’s Equitable’

The transition to global net zero to address climate change must be both ambitious and fair. Otherwise, it will fail to achieve its goals — and lack the vital public support required over the long-term. Although ambitious decarbonisation will provide

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A Sci-fi Author’s View on the Rise (and Control) of Human Population

There are eight billion people on Earth, and that could rise to 10 billion by the end of the century. What then? wonders TONY LENNOX… American science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov predicted that by the 23rd Century, every last bit of

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Doors Closing: Mind the EU Gender Pay Gap

Transparency directive introduced to ensure fair pay between the sexes Women in the EU continue to be paid less on average than their male colleagues and counterparts. Even in the same sector, the discrepancy exists — and most of the

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Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez: Seldom Down, Never Out

Echoes of the Franco Era still haunt Spain in subtle and often divisive ways. Now, a vibrant democracy, the country has taken decades to shed its past and rid society of the last vestiges and symbols of authoritarianism. A watershed

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New Cause for Celebration on Biodiversity and Conservation

Experts and enthusiasts in biodiversity and conservation have been collaborating for years to curb humanity’s destructive practices and accelerate positive change. At the end of 2022, representatives of 190 countries met in Montreal at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15)

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Death to Debt! The People and Organisations Saying ‘No to Owe’ — and Picking Up the Tab for Us

Consumer and family debt are millstones that can — sometimes — be removed… Debt is a modern reality for countries, companies and households, but — according to historian Louis Hyman — consumer debt is a relatively new phenomenon. Hyman links

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Why are US Conservatives Against Investment in ESG?

Republicans balking at ‘woke liberal agenda’ that they claim could erode profit margins and threaten livelihoods US politicians are treating sustainability as an ideological debate rather than a science-backed call to action. Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida and a possible

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World Economic Forum’s Meeting Agenda Takes a Tilt at ‘Dark Topics’, Ai-Da — and Mind Control…

‘It’s worse psychologically to feel that you are useless than to feel you are exploited’ — Yuval Noah Harari In the mid-1800s, Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, mechanical engineer and inventor, devised a series of steam-powered “calculating machines” — now

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