Brave New World?


One Man’s View of the Mountain: UK Urgently Needs to Rejoin EU to Create Economic Security

Both parties are promising growth, but which policies are most likely to generate it? Growth is essential for continually improving

There’s More to Britain than London: Focus on Regions, Advises Think-Tank

Low investment in the UK’s regional cities is hindering economic growth and the country’s G7 status, report warns. A lack

Avoid the Sucker-Punch of Online Scammers — Keep Your Guard Up!

Experts reveal how businesses and sellers can spot online payment fraud. When it comes to e-commerce, shoppers aren’t the only

Recycling Plastic: Is it Working, and are we Doing Enough…?

Once seen as a ‘wonder material’, this by-product of the oil industry has become a global environmental menace. Millions of

Avatar Influencers are Storming Up the Earnings Charts — and Creators Stand to Make Some Healthy Profits

Virtual and AI personas have the highest earning potential for single Instagram posts… Digital personas created via AI or software

Women and STEM, We Can Do Better

“On International Women’s Day, it is crucial to reflect on the state of women in the technology sector and chart

Embracing Disruption: The Path to ‘Insurance for All’ by 2047 – by IRDAI Chief Debasish Panda

IRDAI Chairman Debasish Panda stressed the need for insurers to adapt to disruptions and aim for ‘insurance for all’ by

Is it Time to Put AI in Charge of Pricing Strategies? Most Firms Seem Hesitant to Take the Leap

Despite corporates enthusiasm for AI, its use in pricing strategies — using algorithms to determine optimal prices for goods and

Major Tech Boost for Logistics Sector

How 5G technology will keep the supply chain moving… PwC predicts that wide-scale development of 5G communication networks will contribute

Energy Sector Grapples with Hydra-Headed Problems of Global Supply and Demand

At the recent COP-26 climate summit in Glasgow, government officials and leaders of international organisations put the spotlight on the

Inflation, Used Cars, Silicon Chips and Supply-Demand: Links in a Worrying Chain

Chips — no, not the potato or chocolate kind, the electronic ones – are a driving force behind a spike

World Bank: Sustained Global Solidarity Needed to Achieve Global COVID-19 Recovery

The pandemic has affected virtually everyone in the world, but its impacts have been hardest on the poor and vulnerable,

Invasion of the Robots! Beware, Beware! Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean That We Should…

AI, facial-recognition, machine learning… where should humans draw the line when it comes to automated ‘job theft’? Yogesh Patel gives

Permanent Output Losses from the Pandemic

In the World Economic Outlook, published October 12, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) slightly lowered its forecast for global economic

From the Black Plague to the Covid Crisis, Quarantine has Affected Maritime Trade

An overly familiar term in the 2020s, “quarantine”, dates from the 14th Century and is derived from quarantena — Italian

Home is Where the Mortgage is: 2008 Crisis has Lessons for Sector

Of all the sectors affected by the pandemic, the housing market has performed better than expected. In 2008, home loans

Where are We Going? Nowhere, Fast, According to Travel and Tourism Stats

Whether domestic or international, business or pleasure, travel is an integral part of modern life — no longer just a

Shock and Ore — India’s Love of Gold Goes Beyond Market Prices

Gold is considered the most valuable of all the precious metals — especially in Indian culture. While the fabulous ore