Search Results for "kilani"
Back to homepageQ&A with IBM’s Bashar Kilani: Need for New Skills Emerging as We Re-Imagine and Transition to the New Normal
Bashar Kilani oversees IBM business in the Gulf countries and the Levant, working with clients and partners across industries. In this Q and A, asks Kilani about the effects of coronavirus on business in the region, and more. Tell
Read MoreThe Economics of AI: Talent Before Technology
Transforming Today’s Organisations with Tomorrow’s Leaders Organisations are spending more than ever on AI, but true value lies not just in technology, but in talent and leadership that can guide its transformation. Organisations are investing heavily in AI, with adoption
Read MoreThe Role of the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO)
Embracing The Decade of Productivity As we usher in the “decade of productivity” driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), organisations face an imperative to accelerate their transformation journeys. The Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO) emerges as a pivotal leader
Read MoreAccenture on Generative AI: Surfing the Next Wave of Digital Transformation
Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and, with suitable caution that should be a good thing, argues Bashar Kilani. Generative AI will define the next wave of digital transformation. Over recent decades, we have witnessed the “webification” of applications, followed
Read MoreGreen is the New Gold: Sustainability Takes Centre Stage in the Middle East
Digitalisation is a key part in the puzzle to unlock value — and save the planet at the same time. Just as the digital revolution transformed how we live and work, sustainability is driving new value and growth, permeating everything
Read MoreAccenture: Metaverse for Enterprise, from Digital to Immersive Experiences
‘People are already spending real money to own virtual assets. They will want to spend their virtual money in the real world…’ eCommerce is “functionally correct” but lacks the human interaction. Digital experience — enhanced virtual spaces, augmented physical places,
Read MoreHow Do You Define the Metaverse?
Bashar Kilani, managing director at Dubai-based Accenture, gives readers the low-down on the hi-tech trends that enable organisations to build a digital core. Significant cultural shifts tend to start in a place — such as Renaissance Florence, Vienna in
Read MoreDigitalisation and 4IR in MENA: Augmented Intelligence from Data and Self-Learning
Bashar Kilani oversees IBM business in the Gulf Countries and the Levant, working with clients and partners across industries. Kilani has a passion for thought leadership around Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Cloud. met with him in Dubai
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