Stephen Hawking: In the Footsteps of Sir Isaac Newton

To grasp the size, shape and nature of the universe requires a vast mind such as only very few possess. However, in order to truly understand space, and how it came about, a mind the size of Stephen Hawking’s is

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Trade Balance of Developing and Developed Countries Continues to Converge, UNCTAD Statistics Show

UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2014 shows that developing and transition economies run large trade surpluses for merchandise and services trade. Geneva, 9 December 2014 – Developing economies ran a combined merchandise and services trade surplus for 2013 of $177.6 billion,

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Mozambique Gets US$110 Million from World Bank to Improve Business Environment, Public Financial Management, and Social Protection

WASHINGTON — The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today US$110 million to support the Government of Mozambique’s State Budget and its poverty reduction plan (PARP). This International Development Association (IDA) funding is provided under the tenth Poverty Reduction Support

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Pope Francis: Repairing the Roman Catholic Church

Is he merely a window dresser or could he actually be the great reformer most Roman Catholics have been patiently waiting for? Since his election in March 2013, Pope Francis – formerly known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina –

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SWIFT Enters Into Real-Time Retail Domestic Payments

New project win to build an innovative solution for domestic payments in Australia is the first major milestone for the cooperative. SWIFT announces plans to develop real-time retail domestic payment solutions. SWIFT is creating an offering that allows domestic retail

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World Bank: Vietnam Sees Early Signs of Economic Recovery

Hanoi, December 3, 2014 – Early signs show that Vietnam’s economic recovery is on track, says the World Bank’s Taking Stock report, released today. Vietnam’s economic growth is expected to improve from 5.4 percent in 2013 to 5.6 percent in

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Temple Grandin: Autism Drives Academic Excellence

The lady thinks like a cow. In the case Temple Grandin (66), that is a compliment. Dr Grandin has singlehandedly changed and much improved the way livestock is handled in the US and across the globe. Her redesigned feedlots, stockyards

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Nearly 500,000 New Residence Visas Issued in Dubai in First Half of 2014, Indicating Flourishing Business for Real Estate

Exhibitors upbeat on growth graph of UAE property sector, based on factual demand from first renters, buyers and investors.  A total of 17,289 real estate transactions worth AED 37.5 billion were conducted in the first half of 2014, according to

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Partnering to Support Uganda’s Roads PPP Program

The national road transport network is the most dominant mode of transport in Uganda. Over 90% of passenger and freight traffic travels through the network. It also provides vital transport corridors to the land-locked countries of Rwanda, Burundi, Eastern Democratic

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New World Bank Initiative to Help End Wasteful Energy Subsidies

A new World Bank-ESMAP facility helps countries develop and implement effective, sustainable energy subsidy reform programs that protect the poor from the impact of higher energy prices. Such subsidies primarily benefit higher-income earners rather than the poor, but if subsidies

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