Back to homepageTinkering with a Spanish Proposal
It is an idea that just refuses to die. Mere days after a Dutch-led cabal of northern Eurozone finance ministers swept the concept of debt mutualisation off the negotiating table, the prime minister of Spain ups the ante by proposing
Read MorePwC Nigeria: Nigeria’s Finance Act Gets a Facelift to Attract Business and Investment
Earlier this year, Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari signed the Finance Bill 2019 into law as the Finance Act of 2019 — the first amendment to the country’s tax laws since 1999. The Act, which comprises 57 sections, seeks to amend
Read MoreMaking Sense of Irrational Markets and Conflicting Data
This is how an economy is destroyed: ignore small businesses because small isn’t beautiful but complicated, cumbersome, risky, and a nuisance. US commercial banks charged with the distribution of the $349 billion federal credit line earmarked for troubled companies under
Read MoreDull but Sound: Ordoliberalism to the Rescue
A hallmark of quality recognised the world over, ‘Made in Germany’ represents a welcome victory of content over hype. The German mindset and constitution, it would seem, are almost incapable of cutting corners to maximise short-term outcomes. As such, the
Read MoreLessons from China
For the first time in nearly half a century China’s economy has stopped growing. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported a 6.8 percent drop in economic output over the first quarter of the year. Retail sales were down by
Read MoreThe Great Lockdown and Echoes from the Past
The brief and uneventful interlude that followed the Great Recession of 2007-13 has been supplanted by the Great Lockdown of 2020. The term was coined by Chief Economist Gita Gopinath of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as she unveiled the
Read MoreDebt Relief Needed to Preserve 30 Years of Progress
A grand coalition of creditors is to provide debt relief to the world’s least developed countries. Earlier this week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) took the lead and cancelled some $214 million in debt repayments owed by 25 of its
Read MoreSDG Lab at UN Geneva: Delivering the 2030 Agenda in Decade of Action Will Call for Co-operation and Courage
In 2020, to mark its 75th anniversary, the United Nations have initiated UN75, the largest and most inclusive global conversation on how to build a better future. The initiative intends to map out what works and what doesn’t within the
Read MoreRaining on China’s Parade
Sensing a unique opportunity to take a shortcut to the global top spot, China is putting in a sustained effort to turn tragedy into triumph and expand its standing and reach in the wake of the pandemic. The Chinese government
Read MoreThe Final Destiny of the Trillions
When the going gets though, the weak are moved aside. A depressingly large number of the 181 US corporations that last year signed a solemn pledge to fight inequality and work for the benefit society have failed to honour their
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