Meets the Fiduciaria de Occidente Management Team: An Effective and Practical Approach

CEO: Mario Andrés Estupiñan Alvarado. VP Sales: Adriana Chavarro Callejas. Chief Investment Officer: Jorge Enrique Cortés Rojas.
Mario Andrés Estupiñan Alvarado – CEO
Mr Estupiñan assumed his current position as CEO of Fiduciaria de Occidente in February 2015. As CEO, he establishes the trust company’s strategic management in the short, medium, and long term and the establishment of strategic partnerships to ensure its positioning in current and potential markets.
Furthermore, his role is to ensure expected returns to shareholders and ensure compliance with an effective and practical approach to a dynamic legal framework. Mr Estupiñan has led the company to be recognised as one of Colombia’s most notable brands in 2016. Throughout his time at Fiduoccidente, Mr Estupiñan has led Fiduoccidente to be an active member in the Colombian fiduciary, private equity, infrastructure, and real estate gilds. Thus, he has pioneered the implementation of international standards of practice.
Mr Estupiñañ holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes, with post graduate studies in Economics, Financial Legislation, Risk and Information Economy, and Senior Management and Strategic Leadership.
Mr Estupiñan has more than nineteen years of experience in Colombia’s financial sector and has also worked in the United States and Peru. He has held top-level positions leading successful innovation, internationalisation, and sales expansion processes. He has ample fiduciary knowledge in the sales, legal, financial, tax, accounting, and operating fields.
Adriana Chavarro Callejas – VP Sales
Mrs Chavarro’s avant-garde approach to markets over the last years has guided Fiduoccidente to be one of the most innovative financial services providers in Colombia by leading and implementing an interdisciplinary approach to innovation for the trust company.
As vice-president of sales, she establishes the sales targets, tactics, and objectives for Fiduoccidente’s different types of businesses. Additionally, she manages relations with stakeholders and strategic professional groups that result in the positioning of the brand and long-term relations with clients.
Mrs Chavarro Callejas holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de los Andes with executive training in marketing and areas related to the structuring and formation of financial vehicles and project management.
She has nineteen years of experience in the trust sector, holding senior positions at different companies. This has given her extensive knowledge of the market and trust products and has allowed her to successfully lead the design and implementation of business, sales, innovation and marketing strategies.
Jorge Enrique Cortés Rojas – chief investment officer
Mr Cortés is currently in charge of the Investment Department, where assets of over $11 billion are managed, including third party, pension, and investment fund resources. He has ample knowledge of portfolio management in Colombia and abroad, and in accounting, finance, statistics, economics, liquid asset risk, and portfolio management.
Mr Cortés holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia and did post-graduate studies in Corporate Finance. With over 25 years of experience in the Colombian financial sector, he has occupied top-level positions in front, middle, and back offices, leading processes for innovating, updating, and modernising the liquid assets of Fiduciaria de Occidente.
As chief investment officer, Mr Cortés is responsible for strategic investment management in the short, medium, and long term to keep positioning Fiduciaria de Occidente with the highest standards in asset management.
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