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Back to homepageUN Downgrades Economic Forecasts for 2013/14
World economic growth has weakened considerably during 2012 and is expected to remain subdued in the coming two years, according to a United Nations report in late December, which calls for policy changes to spur growth and tackle the jobs
Read MoreJanamitra Devan: The Innovation Imperative
Overcoming the Myths and Recognizing the Realities of Innovation, Job Creation and Prosperity By Janamitra Devan Innovation drives competitiveness, and maximizing competitiveness is indispensable to achieving sustainable job creation. Any economy with a weak innovation capacity will see its competitiveness
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The Security Council has called on the international community to give women’s civil society organizations a prominent role in the negotiation, planning and implementation of peace processes and post-conflict development programmes. “The Security Council takes note of the important role
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The puzzling spread of the commercial Internet could explain wage inequalities. By Virginia Hughes. Based on the research of Christopher Forman, Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein. It is hard to overstate how much the business world relies on the Internet. Powerhouse
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In today’s accelerated business environment, the ability to anticipate and actively lead change on a daily basis is essential for leaders. John Kotter is a well-known expert on how to lead change. He lays out six important areas for effecting
Read MoreIFC: Banking On Women – Changing the Face of the Global Economy
Women entrepreneurs are changing the face of the global economy, helping to sustain job creation and economic growth. While investors are increasingly looking to the BRICs and beyond for growth opportunities, the fact is that women represent the largest emerging
Read MoreWorld Bank Group: Create Jobs by Focusing Industries to be Competitive
Focusing Investment in Industries Poised for Growth Can Help Generate Jobs, Income and Wealth. By Janamitra Devan Job creation is the top priority of governments worldwide, as countries large and small struggle to overcome the prolonged global economic downturn. Amid
Read MoreEuropean Council’s Van Rompey: Europe Must Overcome Crisis to Defend Democratic Values
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy’s speech “Europe on the World Stage” recently given in London emphasized the complete change of the global landscape, identifying three main trends: “One: the stage is getting more crowded. Two: the public comes closer to
Read MoreOECD: Ominous Signs for International Investment
By Michael Gestrin, OECD After two years of steady gains, international M&A activity plunged by $107 billion, or 45%, in the first quarter of 2012. This is the second lowest level of international M&A since the start of the global
Read MoreG20 Summit: Merkel still wants both Austerity and Growth in the Eurozone… but still no clue as to who will pick up the tab
Angela Merkel brushed off criticism of her focus on austerity, as the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies focused their attention on the crisis in the Eurozone. In Los Cabos the EU largely postponed the discussion on the specifics
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