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Doomsayers Enjoying a Field Day with Deutsche Bank

A tiny but apparently growing number of pundits is pretty sure the Deutsche Bank will shortly tumble and fall. As a systemic – if not essential – bank, the DB will not descend into insolvency on its own. Those in

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Super-Size My Pay: US Fast Food Workers Walk Off Job

Thousands of workers in the US fast food industry went on strike earlier this week to demand a super-sizing of their pay. The walkout started on Monday in New York City and has now spread to several major cities. The

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Ursula Burns: Driving Change at Xerox

Ursula Burns has a certain prominence in our minds because she became the first African-American woman to run a Fortune 500 company. Yes, of course, she is a trail blazer in this regard but it was not for this reason

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Braggarts Become Leaders

By Hillary Rosner, a freelance journalist based in Boulder, Colorado. Based on the research of Ernesto Reuben, Pedro Rey-Biel, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales Women at a disadvantage when competing for leadership positions Why do men tend to fare better

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Lagarde on the Prerequisites for a Strong Global Economy

Extracts from a Speech to the Washington Foreign Law Society by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (June 4th 2013). I should start with a brief update on the global recovery, which is uneven and in fact suffering from

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UN calls for China and the US to Encourage Sustainable Development

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has  appealed to Chinese and United States-based companies to boost their efforts to achieve sustainable development and prosperity through partnerships, stressing their impact in developing countries. “US and Chinese companies can and must ensure that business activity

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Riordan Brings Strong Leadership to Daniels

Prof. Christine Riordan is a perfect example of a dean who practices what she preaches. Riordan has a reputation as an expert in leadership and ethics and under her own leadership, Daniels has blossomed into an internationally recognised academic community.

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The Fed’s Flawed Model

In May 22 testimony to the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke issued another of many similar positive interpretations of central bank policy. Yet again, he continued to argue that quantitative easing has decreased long-term interest rates

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Salman Khan: Standing In for Newton

Looking for a practical means of tutoring family members, Salman created the Khan Academy YouTube account in late 2006. Initially nothing more than a means of helping friends and family members brush up on their algebra, the YouTube account was

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Revenue Watch: 4 out of 5 Companies Fail in Good Governance

The Resource Governance Index (RGI) measures the quality of governance in the oil, gas and mining sector of 58 countries. From highly ranked countries like Norway, the United Kingdom and Brazil to lowranking countries like Qatar, Turkmenistan and Myanmar, the

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