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Otaviano Canuto on Central Banks and Climate Change: Turning Black Swans Into Green

There are three possible motivations for the engagement by central banks with climate change: financial risks, macro-economic impacts, and mitigation/adaptation policies. Regardless of the extent to which individual central banks incorporate the three prongs of motivations, they can no longer

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ISID, McGill University: Updating the DFIs’ Operating Models to Achieve the UN 2030 SDG Agenda

The UN General Assembly set the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) five years ago. The estimated annual amount of investment needed to achieve them is short — by $2.5tn to $3tn. The stakeholders that play a key role in directing and

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Waiting for the Government to Come Knocking

Streamlined to a skeleton, the US federal government is singularly unable to keep up with politicians eager to dole out trillions of dollars to businesses and individuals caught short by the pandemic. Jolted out of their small-is-beautiful philosophy, lawmakers and

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Book Review: The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger – Iger’s Wild Ride to the Top of ‘the Happiest Place on Earth’

Back in 2005, Robert Iger’s 31-year journey at Disney and ABC looked like it could come to an end. Pulitzer prize-winner James B Stewart had released his book DisneyWar, an exposé on Michael Eisner’s 20-year reign as CEO of the

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Harvard Business School on Impact-Weighted Accounts: the Missing Piece in Economy Puzzle

Capitalism is in need of a renaissance. Despite headlines of strong global economic growth, there are signs that all is not well. Environmental advocates have been leading calls for change before the climate crisis produces irreversible changes to our world.

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Business in Times of Corona: Wise Words from Omaha

The life lesson imparted by the Oracle of Omaha does not require much deciphering: Cash is King. Long criticised for hoarding large amounts of readily deployable cash, the third largest publicly listed company in the world, Berkshire Hathaway, stands to

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Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: Medium Is the Message – ESG Delivery and Market Distrust

Despite cultural assumptions surrounding content and interpretation, we tend to believe that the way we communicate is meaningful. “In operational and practical fact, the medium is the message” — this sturdy pronouncement from Canadian philosopher and social theorist Marshall McLuhan

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Ian Fletcher, Director IBM IBV: The Trust Economy – What’s My Data Worth?

How Do Organisations Ensure We Get a Fair Return? The driving force behind “stakeholder capitalism” – the theme of this year’s World Economic Forum meeting at Davos – is the conviction that businesses should balance the needs of all their

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Q&A with the Executive Secretary of the UNCDF: Judith Karl

How would you sum up in three single words what characterises your team at UNCDF? Innovative Nimble Trusted What are you trying to accomplish? We aim to make finance work for the poor. In the current global financial ecosystem, finance

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Jim O’Neill: A Living Wage for Capitalism

At 3.6%, unemployment in the United States remains near its lowest level since the late 1960s. There are even signs that people who had previously dropped out of the labour force are being attracted back into it as employers scour

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