Editor's 10

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Ida, Data and Women’s Health: It’s Win-Win with the Clue App

From investment opportunities to the pursuit and provision of venture capital, the purse strings of financial dealings are very often controlled by men. Very often, but — as Ida Tin has proved — not always. Convincing male-dominated boardrooms of the

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Robert Azevêdo: Levelling the Playing Field

In times such as these, with rapidly escalating trade tensions and countries engaging in tit-for-tat spats that can – and do – spin out of control, the job of Roberto Azevêdo, director-general of the World Trade Organisation, becomes nearly impossible.

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António Guterres: Healing a Fractured World

The world is in pieces. No longer the preserve of two competing global powers – or even a single triumphant one – today’s world is nobody’s backyard. Multiple powers have emerged that no longer expect, or strive for, hegemony far

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Ana Botín: Reshaping the Financial Universe

The first woman to lead a major global financial services provider, Ana Botín remains one of only six women at the helm of a Fortune Global 100 company. Mrs Botín also tops the list of the world’s most powerful women

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Robert J Shiller: Mastering Data

One of the elite Sterling professors at Yale University, he predicted both the dot-com bubble and the collapse of the housing market. Two years ago, he was the joint recipient of a Nobel Prize. There are few people more on

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Adam Smith: The Original Economic Thinker

The year 1776 marked the dawn of modern capitalism: nothing to do with a few rebellious colonies unleashing a revolutionary war against the crown of England. It was in 1776 – 239 years ago – that Adam Smith published The

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Sebastião Salgado: Capturing the Moment

Sebastião Salgado abandoned a promising career as an economist in his 30s to become a highly-regarded and iconic photojournalist. His extraordinary black and white images record the lives of people in harsh conditions, finding beauty and strength in the bleakest

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JK Rowling: Inspiring Words Matched to an Inspiring Life

When the first edition of a book published in 1997 already fetches upward of twenty-thousand pounds, it is sure to have represented a literary milestone. Such is indeed the case with JK Rowling’s peerless masterwork Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone

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