Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: Stock Exchanges – An Engine for Sustainable Development

The modern stock exchange is a hybrid institution: listing venue, market steward, investment and regulatory liaison, product and service creator, and so on. To further complicate matters, many stock exchanges are now public companies themselves, listed on their own markets

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Kristalina Georgieva, CEO of the World Bank: Empowering Communities

Worldwide, around 500 million people live in “fragile situations,” mostly caused by armed conflict. Climate change threatens to add another hundred million or so people to that tally by 2030 – just thirteen years from now. And of the 800

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Otaviano Canuto, World Bank: The Metamorphosis of Financial Globalisation

After a strong rising tide starting in the 1990s, financial globalisation seems to have reached a plateau since the global financial crisis. However, that apparent stability has taken place along a deep reshaping of cross-border financial flows, featuring de-banking and

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Hans Peter Lankes, IFC: IFC’s Development Impact, One Market at a Time

Having worked in the international financial institutions for much of my career, I’m a big believer in the power that development institutions have in building a bridge between the government and the private sector. That philosophy underpins the International Finance

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Otaviano Canuto, World Bank: Matchmaking Finance and Infrastructure

The world economy – and emerging market and developing economies in particular – display a gap between their infrastructure needs and the available finance. On the one hand, infrastructure investment has fallen far short from of what would be required

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Philippe Le Houérou, CEO of IFC: Redefining Development Finance

Complementing – and driving – World Bank President Jim Kim’s vision to transform the multilateral financier into an “honest broker” charged with mobilising and directing private capital towards developing countries, CEO Philippe Le Houérou of the International Finance Corporation (IFC,

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Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: ESG Reporting – Six Reasons Why

The corporate reporting of sustainability data – call it ESG, or environmental, social, and governance data – has come a long way. Only 20% of Fortune 500 companies reported ESG data in 2011. By 2016, according to the Governance and

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President Trump: Math Is Hard

Since 1990, when his landmark Taj Mahal casino and hotel defaulted on interest payments to its bondholders, businesses owned by Donald Trump have filed no less than six times for bankruptcy. In fact, asking the courts for protection against duped

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Otaviano Canuto & Matheus Cavallari, World Bank: Bloated Central Bank Balance Sheets

Central banks of large advanced and many emerging market economies have recently gone through a period of extraordinary expansion of their balance sheets and are all now possibly facing a transition to less abnormal times. However, the fact that one

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Ernst & Young: Argentina – New Government Measures to Improve and Strengthen Employment

Argentine payroll costs are the highest in Latin America, standing at a maximum of 40%. Social security and health care employer contributions amount to 23% or 27%, based on each employer, whereas contributions withheld from employees stand at 17%.  In

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