Back to Meets Asad Aziz Ahmed
Mr Ahmed brings over 30 years of experience in banking, credit management and in formulating and managing strategic and operational change in financial institutions. He brings in-depth knowledge of strategy formulation and implementation, performance improvement initiatives and change management programmes.
Read MoreOrganisation of Islamic Conference: Contemporary Challenges of Member States
Issues concerning unemployment, the development of human resources and enhancing social protection feature prominently in the cooperation agenda of the OIC. Deliberations on the contemporary challenges of OIC Member States and modalities for consolidating intra-OIC actions will engage the attention
Read MoreIMF: The Risk Side of Exceptionally Low Interest Rates
Several years of exceptionally low interest rates and bond buying by some advanced economy central banks have improved some indicators of banks’ health while supporting the economy and financial stability, according to new research from the International Monetary Fund. In
Read MoreMillenium Goals: Ban Ki-Moon Calls our Hero Malala Yousafzai
The United Nations on April 5th called for accelerated action in the next 1,000 days from governments, international organizations and civil society groups to reach the eight anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by their deadline at
Read MoreMinister Okonjo-Weala: Right Place at the Right Time
When Dr. Okonjo-Iweala departed the World Bank in 2011 to become Nigeria’s finance minister, she was managing director and second in charge. It was no surprise that in the following year her name appeared on a short-list for the WB
Read MoreTechnological Innovation Must Power Economic Growth in Africa
Technology, science and innovation play a key role in the development of Africa, United Nations officials stressed today, calling on policymakers to redouble their efforts to support this field and form partnerships that harness its power. During a March 2013
Read MoreBig Crowds Witnessed at Cityscape Egypt
CAIRO – Cityscape Egypt has once again delivered a strong turnout of serious home buyers and investors packing the exhibition halls over the past three days. Mr. Ashraf El Gharib, Marketing and Sales Director of Rooya Group speaking on the
Read MoreUNCTAD on Emerging Markets FDI Trends
Foreign direct investment (FDI) going into and out of the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – collectively known as BRICS – is mounting in global influence, according to a United Nations report released on March
Read MoreInternational Chamber of Commerce: G20 Openness Could Improve
Presenting pre-findings of an ICC Open Markets Index at an international business dialogue in Paris on March 4th, ICC Chairman Gerard Worms said that government authorities equipped with better information on their country’s market performance were better able to honour
Read MoreThe International Financial Institutions: Collaboration for Development and Growth
Leaders of the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank Group pledged on February 26, 2013 close collaboration to support development and growth. The leaders emphasized the need
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