Organisation of Islamic Conference: Contemporary Challenges of Member States

Baku, Azerbaijan
Issues concerning unemployment, the development of human resources and enhancing social protection feature prominently in the cooperation agenda of the OIC. Deliberations on the contemporary challenges of OIC Member States and modalities for consolidating intra-OIC actions will engage the attention of the 2nd OIC Conference of Labour Ministers in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan (25-26 April 2013).
Under the theme: Decent Work for Sustainable Welfare, the 2nd Ministerial Conference is taking place after a first Ministerial Meeting held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 10 September 2011. Ministers from OIC Member States and representatives of relevant OIC institutions, relevant regional and international organizations are participating in the Conference.
The Conference is to be addressed by Secretary General of the OIC Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and focus on the various aspects of OIC collaboration in the domain of labour and social protection. Presentations on issues on the Conference agenda will dwell on strategies for collaboration on occupational safety and health, reducing unemployment and increasing human capital resources. Other issues include the welfare of foreign migrant labour and labour market information strategy.
The Conference is expected to consider a Programme of Action on integrated support for SMEs enhancing best practices to address the challenges of informal employment, particularly the incorporation of non-registered workers into formal employment, and strengthening and promoting the cooperation among the member states in the field of education and vocational training.
In order to fast-track the implementation of the various decisions of the Conference and to consolidate joint OIC action on critical labour issues, the Conference will also consider the adoption of a Framework document. This programmed execution of OIC decisions falls within the context of the recent reforms introduced under the OIC Ten Year Programme of Action.
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