Back to homepageTroy Wiseman: Bamboo – A Sustainable Source of Fibre
Over the last ten years, REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) and REDD+ developments have proved that the price attributed to, and the willingness to pay for, forest based ecosystem services – whether through compliance or voluntary schemes
Read MoreWorld Bank Group: Should Oil Exporters Shift Capital Stock to Renewables?
As the Financial Times pointed out recently, oil companies such as ExxonMobil and Shell would, under measures considered for the global climate pact to be sealed in Paris next year, cease to exist in their current forms in 35 years.
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto, IMF: How Commodity-Dependent Are Latin American Economies?
The end of the upswing phase of the commodity price super-cycle, after its peak in 2011, has lowered economic growth prospects in most of Latin America. While that broad statement can hardly be disputed, Chapter 3 of the latest IMF
Read MoreTD: Making the Environment Part of the Bank’s DNA
When Mike Pedersen joined TD Bank Group in 2007 as Group Head, Corporate Operations, he was tasked with putting an environmental strategy in place for the bank. Early on, he saw the need for full-time executive leadership to drive the
Read MorePlaying to Win or Playing to Survive? Urbanisation and the Knowledge Economy
It is no surprise that cities around the world have been expanding over the last few decades. The pace of this trend is breath-taking. According to the UN’s World Urbanisation Prospects, 2014 is a turning point. For the first time
Read MoreAdel S Al-Ghamdi: Saudi Stock Exchange Opts for Quality
Adel S Al-Ghamdi leads the Saudi Stock Exchange, the largest and most liquid in the Middle East and North Africa, since July 2013 when he left his job as general manager of the Corporate Finance and Issuance Division at the
Read MoreWGB Launches New Country Partnership Framework to Support Azerbaijan’s Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Growth
The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors today discussed and endorsed the 2015-2020 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Azerbaijan. This CPF represents a five year joint strategy of the World Bank Group comprising the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Read MoreWorld Bank Group: Investing in Women is Vital to Ending Poverty, Boosting Needed Growth
Closing persistent gender gaps is vital to boosting sustainable growth and ending poverty by 2030, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said Tuesday, calling for scaled-up efforts to expand women’s access to good jobs, assets, and infrastructure. “Economic growth
Read MoreAt High-Level Forum, UN Official Calls for Final Push Towards New Sustainability Agenda
The international community stands on the cusp of eradicating extreme poverty and reaching the world’s most vulnerable people with “a chance to live a life of dignity,” the Vice-President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) declared today,
Read MoreWorld Bank: Asian Countries are among Top Achievers on Sustainable Energy Progress
Asian countries are making a vital contribution to achieving global sustainable energy goals, a new World Bank report finds. But while the region performs strongly on ensuring electricity access for people and using more modern renewable energy, there is room
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