Back to homepageWorld Bank Group: Are Stars Aligning for Clean-Energy Financing?
One of the biggest bangs on the opening day of the Paris COP21 climate summit was without doubt the dual announcements by the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, led by Bill Gates and other high-net worth individuals, and the multilateral Mission Innovation,
Read MoreStrategy&: Gaining a Competitive Edge in Africa
Worldwide, companies have begun to make expansion across Africa a priority, recognising that – despite many problems – the continent is amongst the fastest-growing regions in the world. Africa is poised for long-term economic growth: the continent has 600 million
Read MoreIFC: Climate Change – Threat and Opportunity for Private Sector
As world leaders met at the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris last month to hammer out a deal to prevent global warming, one thing became clear:
Read MoreWorld Bank Group: Ask Citizens Where Public Money Should Go – The Surprising Results
As citizen engagement gains traction in the development agenda, identifying the extent to which it produces tangible results is essential. Participatory budgeting, a process in which citizens decide upon and monitor budget allocation, offers promising results, including increased local government
Read MoreIFC: Capital Markets Key to Development
Ending extreme poverty for good and building shared prosperity across the developing world takes money – a lot of money. Take infrastructure: for the foreseeable future, an estimated $50 billion per year is needed in Africa alone to deliver basic
Read MoreKeiko Honda, CEO MIGA: Crucial Role for Investment Guarantees
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), part of the World Bank Group, is a financial institution exclusively dedicated to political risk insurance and credit guarantees that offer investors a hedge against risk in developing countries. The agency was established in
Read MoreWorld Exchanges Agree Enhanced Sustainability Guidance
Guidance is culmination of year-long project by WFE’s Sustainability Working Group WFE sets out ‘material ESG metrics’ to include in disclosure guidance Guidance lists 33 indicators as measures of best sustainability practice WFE stresses exchanges are unique nexus between issuers
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto, IMF: Trade Opening Could Be a Source of Growth for Brazil
International trade has undergone a radical transformation in the past decades as production processes have fragmented along cross-border value chains. The Brazilian economy has remained on the fringes of this production revolution, maintaining a very high density of local supply
Read MoreEnergy Case Study: Peru
Peru is the third largest country in South America with a land area five times that of the UK. Peru has a long Pacific Ocean coastline buttressed by the high and rugged mountain ranges of the Andes which are flanked
Read MoreEvan Harvey, Nasdaq: Emerging Markets Leverage ESG Strategy
Over the last decade, emerging market exchanges (EMEs) have outperformed the rest of the world in a few key ways related to sustainability performance and disclosure. The primary markets in two emerging economies – South Africa’s Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSX)
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