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In-depth Country Profiles   Economic Data GDP (current prices) GDP Growth GDP per capita - purchasing power parity Current Account Balance Unemployment Rate General government net lending/borrowing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Net Inflows Exports of goods and services Imports of Read More

Fifteen Reasons Why the Saudi Vision 2030 Plan Will Succeed

This writer is reflecting on some wonderful impressions gained – in early December 2019 – during a one-week intensive tour of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as a guest of the Ministry of Finance. What first springs to mind

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Simon Tribelhorn: Sustainability Matters

The Principality of Liechtenstein and its financial centre take a holistic approach to sustainability, aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. “Climate change” is a term on everyone’s lips, and a fourth summer of record heat in a relatively new

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UNOPS: Quality Infrastructure is Central to Sustainable Development

By Grete Faremo Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS As human beings, we go through our lives using infrastructure without really thinking about it. From roads to electricity, water and waste management to telecommunications, the quality of our life depends

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UNCDF: Revolutionising International Municipal Finance is Focus of Bid to Tackle Climate Change and Open Global Markets

“They have been drivers of progress throughout history, and now – as the knowledge economy takes full flight – they are poised to play a leading role in addressing the challenges of the 21st Century,” wrote former Mayor of New

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MIGA Exclusive Interview: Business Priority to Work With All People

Interview from February 2019, with Keiko Honda, Executive Vice-President and CEO of the World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). You have been at the head of MIGA for almost six years. Is there a key lesson that

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Håvard Halland and Justin Lin: How to Mobilise Private Capital for Climate Finance

The conclusion of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent report is stark: climate action is far more urgent than previously believed. Action must include a wide range of initiatives, from improved regulation to continued technological innovation.

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The Roca Brothers: Community-Based Solutions for Food Security

To become the best is not necessary to go global. Spain’s three Roca brothers, celebrated as royalty in foodie circles, believe that food security begins at home. The brothers have repeatedly questioned the viability of current agribusiness models which see

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OCCAM, the UN-affiliated Observatory on Digital Communication: ICT Village Programme Impact in Stark Contrast to Wealth and Aid

It is calculated that the eight richest people in the world between them control the same amount of wealth as 2.5 billion of the poorest. How can the massive flow of technological innovations bring development and raise the overall level

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Amina J Mohammed: Energy for Sustainable Goals

If, by way of magic, cynicism and indifference could be banned, the world would undoubtedly be a much happier place. For United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammed (56) those two deplorable traits represent the principal obstacles to meeting the

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