Japan Opens the Money Spigot

Once upon a time, Japan was said to pose a menace to the economic hegemony of the industrialised countries of the West. Current US criticism of Chinese trade practices and currency manipulation echo the acerbic disputes between Washington and Tokyo

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Europe: Fig Leaves to Save Spain and Italy

Looking to score without breaking a sweat, European politicians of almost every ideological persuasion often turn on ‘Brussels’, assigning blame to the union for every conceivable domestic ill and castigating it for their own failings. Unable to put up a

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Austerity Arrives in the Kingdom

For the first time in living memory, the Saudi government has embarked on a major austerity drive. In early June, state workers saw their generous cost-of-living allowance abruptly cancelled. Capital expenditure on iconic mega projects has been put on hold

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Tirelli & Partners: ‘Being Happy is a Priority, and Ethics Can’t Be Limited to a Code of Practice’

Italian real estate firm challenges traditional profit generation — and stands up for wellbeing. Tirelli & Partners is a top luxury real estate firm — and a cutting-edge real estate consultant. It was established in 1987 as a boutique agency

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Judy Faulkner: From Basement Beginnings… to a Self-made Billionaire

Judy Faulkner is the hands-on programmer who pioneered the concept of patient-centric digital medical records in the US. Faulkner taught herself the basics of coding in just one week during her undergraduate years — and went on to become a

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BlueRock: It’s All About the Team — and This Team is All About Excellence and Dedication

Over the past 10 years, BlueRock has successfully established itself as a leading investment boutique at the heart of Zurich’s financial hub. It caters to the needs of a highly sophisticated and long-standing client-base, and the members of BlueRock Group’s

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Responsible Investment: What it Says on the Tin, with Added Punch and Attention to Detail

The rise of responsible investment (RI) as a crucial part of the financial industry has been one of the defining themes of the past two decades. Matt Christensen has been at the heart of it for most of those 20

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Hold the Bulls: US Recovery Marred by Uncertainty

In early June, the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research formally declared a recession – the first since 2009. The US economy reached its apex in February and all but imploded in the weeks and

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Lord Waverley on Development Banks – By Name and By Nature: A Boon in Troubled Times

Development Finance Institutions (DFI), Development Finance Companies (DFC) or Development Banks (DB) are institutions that provide finance for development projects predominantly in weaker or developing economies. Development banks provide medium- to long-term risk capital and technical assistance to developing economies

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Edible Protein from Thin Air: Dyson Knows a Bargain When She Sees One

Lisa Dyson looked to nature for inspiration on how to combat climate change; now she runs a biotech company that spins edible protein from the air that we breathe. Say the word “carbon” and most people’s minds turn to the

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