UN Security Council Urges Wider Role for Women’s Groups in Peace Efforts

The Security Council has called on the international community to give women’s civil society organizations a prominent role in the negotiation, planning and implementation of peace processes and post-conflict development programmes. “The Security Council takes note of the important role

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Balancing Act in Tunisia

In 2011, popular protests in Tunisia rid the country of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and towards year end Moucef Marzouki was installed as president of his country. These events provided clear inspiration for the Arab Spring. Mr Marzouki had been

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What has the Internet Done for the Economy?

The puzzling spread of the commercial Internet could explain wage inequalities. By Virginia Hughes. Based on the research of Christopher Forman, Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein. It is hard to overstate how much the business world relies on the Internet. Powerhouse

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Dr. Jackson Urges an Holistic Perpective

Few would deny that parts of the capitalist system – in particular its banking and financial services – are in need of urgent attention.  We should also be alert to the effects of our continuously increasing demands on the world’s

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IMF | Gulf Cooperation Council: Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges for the GCC Countries

Executive Summary The already sluggish global recovery has suffered new setbacks and uncertainty weighs heavily on prospects. The euro area crisis intensified in the first half of 2012 and growth has slowed across the globe, reflecting financial market tensions, extensive

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Rwanda’s Largest Bank Strengthens Its Position

Global Credit Rating Co Upgrades Bank of Kigali’s Long Term Rating of A+ to AA- and reaffirms the Short Term Rating of A1. On October 25th, Bank of Kigali, the largest bank in Rwanda by market share of total assets,

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Usain Bolt: Nothing Left to Prove?

He has nothing left to prove? Perhaps so, but we identify in Bolt a hunger for continuous improvement. He wants to go on winning and beating his own records. We feel sure that the world will be hearing much more

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Dr. Nawal El Saadawi – An Honourable Life

Like so many of our other heroes, Dr Saadawi has seen the inside of a prison cell because of her views. She was incarcerated in 1981 after helping to publish the feminist magazine Confrontation. The opinions expressed conflicted with those

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Keeping It Simple

For more than two decades DOT COM has been the de facto standard top level domain name for business. One hundred million domain names later the choice of new names is at best limited or at worst involves options that

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Praying for Our Hero, Malala Yousafzai

On Wednesday 10th October this year, surgeons in Pakistan removed a Taliban bullet from the head of our youngest hero – fourteen year old Malala Yousafzai. She was attacked in this way because of her brave response to the atrocities

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