European Council’s President, Herman Van Rompuy: Unlocking Opportunities for Growth and Competitiveness

“Unlocking opportunities for growth and competitiveness” Keynote opening speech by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy at the European Business Summit 2013 Speaking today at the opening of the European Business Summit in Brussels, President Van Rompuy reiterated that

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Pope Benedict’s Heroic Decision

Pope Emeritus Benedict, elected by the cardinals in 2005, resigned his office effective February 28th 2013.   And as you will have been informed many times before, dear reader, he was the first pope to tender his resignation in the past

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Chinoy Gets Angry

“Daniel and I want to dedicate this award to all the heroes working on the ground in Pakistan, including Dr. Mohammad Jawad, who’s here with us today. He is the plastic surgeon working on rehabilitating all these women. And to

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The BRICS Leaders’ Summit: Rich Outcomes

President Jacob Zuma hosted the Fifth BRICS Summit in March 2013 in Durban, South Africa under the theme: “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialisation.” Quite a lot was achieved on financing and development, most notably: The BRICS

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The Fed’s Flawed Model

In May 22 testimony to the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke issued another of many similar positive interpretations of central bank policy. Yet again, he continued to argue that quantitative easing has decreased long-term interest rates

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Andrey Kostin Means Business

Andrey L. Kostin is the Dean of the St. Petersburg University GSOM. He fits this role around an already very busy business life. For most business school deans the role is full time but GSOM rather than engage a full

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Chen Lihua: It’s a Natural Thing to Give

China’s Chen Lihua, now in her early 70s, has a net worth of well over one billion dollars. This wealth comes from the Fu Wah International Group which she established to undertake residential housing projects. By all accounts she is

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Bernard Yeung: Global Citizen at NUS

It seems rather appropriate that Prof. Bernard Yeung, dean of National University of Singapore Business School is truly a global citizen. He holds three nationalities and is part of the growing trend that has seen top academics returning to their

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Salman Khan: Standing In for Newton

Looking for a practical means of tutoring family members, Salman created the Khan Academy YouTube account in late 2006. Initially nothing more than a means of helping friends and family members brush up on their algebra, the YouTube account was

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Up to Full Capacity with London’s Andrew Likierman

The London Business School benefits enormously from Prof. Likierman’s broad experience. Unlike many deans, Sir Andrew has spent much of his career outside academia working in both the private and public sectors with appointments that have included running a textile

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