Meets the CEO of CORE Securities: George Fumbuka

Tanzania’s pioneering brokerage and consultancy firm CORE Securities is being led by one of the country’s top chess players. George Fumbuka knows, as few others do, how to plot a winning strategy and outsmart the competition. Mr Fumbuka holds a

Read More Meets the Chairman of Ezentis: Manuel García-Durán

A Corporate Turnaround from Rags to Riches. In Spanish business circles, corporate trouble-shooter Manuel García-Durán is gaining quite the reputation. A man of expansive yet focused thinking and subsequent decisive action, Mr García-Durán in September 2011 took over command at

Read More Meets Lavrynovych & Partners: Don’t Go to the Ukraine without Your Lawyer – The Protection of Business

Foreign colleagues often ask what kind of corporate law services are currently being sought most by clients in the Ukraine. Today, businesses are interested in matters associated with property structuring and redistribution. Earlier this area of law was only relevant

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Sir Alex Ferguson: The Formula of Success as Told by an Endearing Control-Freak

Becoming the most successful and admired manager in the history of British football is no mean feat by any standard. Sir Alexander Ferguson (71) instilled the players of Manchester United with his trademark winning mentality and went on to propel

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Dick Costolo: Capitalizing the Lure of Future Profits

You have got to be doing something right if your losses surge to almost $65 million, while your corporation’s stock shoots up 73% on the first day of trading. Perhaps it’s all a joke, albeit a rather expensive one; after

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Sudan Cabinet Shake-Up Boosts Conciliation Efforts

Former US special envoy to Sudan Princeton Lyman has made yet another appeal for the resumption of the political dialogue in the country with a view to establishing a lasting peace. Earlier this month, Mr Lyman called on rebel forces

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Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Walking on the Wild Side – Monetary Policy and Prudential Regulation

Global financial integration and the linkages between the financial and the real sides of economies are sources of huge policy challenges. This is now beyond doubt, after what we saw in the run-up to and the unfolding of the 2008

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Sir David Frost: Well Done Frostie! Playing Nice in the Quest for the Truth

Earlier this year, Sir David Frost suffered a heart attack while aboard the QE2 and passed away, aged 74. He had been hired as a speaker on the cruise ship and was, at the time of his death, busy planning

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Wangari Maathai: Attaining Peace that Endures, One Tree at a Time

A young Kenyan girl named Wangari Maathai was sent by her mother to fetch some fresh water. As she reached the stream at the end of a pleasant walk, Wangari paused for a moment to quench her thirst drinking from

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World Bank Reports on Affordable Housing in Egypt

Hamada Mohamed, a taxi driver, is married with a 3 -year-old boy, and expecting a new baby in the coming months. Like 75 percent of young families he has not been able to afford a house and has had to

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