Meets the CEO of INVESTBANK: Muntaser Dawwas

As Chief Executive Officer of INVESTBANK, Muntaser Dawwas joined the bank three years ago in full force, with a proven track record and boasting an impressive level of experience in banking gathered at major financial institutions in both the Far

Read More Meets the CEO of Fortress Investments: Hamed Mokhtar

Hamed Mokhtar is the managing director of Fortress Investments of 2011. Born and educated in the United States, Mr Mokhtar brings a wealth of experience and creativity to both the company and the markets it operates in. His key industry

Read More Meets the CEO of SSF: Sam Shawki Fawaz

Mr Sam Shawki Fawaz, managing director and CEO of SSF Entrepreneur, has accumulated over forty years of experience in Liberia’s business world. His career has crisscrossed the economy from forestry to construction and road building. Though born in Lebanon, Mr

Read More Meets the Vice President of Global Trust: Andreas Thanos

At a time when Greece was descending into the depths of a financial crisis without equal in the country’s history, one firm was doing just fine, abiding by a simple, yet highly effective, corporate philosophy that puts clients’ interest ahead

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From Germany to South Africa – The Oppenheimers: Diamonds Are Not Forever

“I’m a philistine.” Nicholas F Oppenheimer, worth some $6.5bn, is not likely to be spotted at a theatre or opera house anytime soon. The vast library of rare antique tomes his grandfather Ernest (1880-1957) lovingly accumulated over a lifetime remains

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Urban Energy Efficiency Key to Mexico’s Ambitious Goals for Energy and Low Carbon Growth

Mexico sees urban energy efficiency as critical for sustainable growth, livable cities and competitiveness Ministry of Energy rolls out national municipal urban energy efficiency program with World Bank support National program to include diagnostics of energy use in 30 cities

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The World Bank Called for Tighter Economic Policies to Restore Economic Stability

In its newly released Mongolia Economic Update, the World Bank said that the Mongolian economy is facing challenges from the large balance of payments pressure and high inflation. The World Bank underscored that the economic vulnerability will likely continue under

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Bracing for Climate Change: Managing the Unavoidable and Avoiding the Unmanageable

Climate change is already happening: 900 extreme events were registered across the world last year and in Bulgaria, the frequency of natural disasters has increased significantly in the new millennium – with 10 major natural occurrences recorded between 2004 and

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World Bank Group President Brings Hopeful Message to Middle East

Jim Yong Kim brings a message of optimism to Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Jordan in his first visit to those countries as World Bank Group president. The World Bank Group is helping Jordan and Lebanon cope with the impact of

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Boosting Trade Competitiveness Key for Sustained Growth in Malaysia

Malaysia’s economy is expected to grow by 5.4% in 2014 and 4.6% in 2015, according to a new World Bank report. Exports rose in the previous two quarters and lifted Malaysia’s economic growth. The Malaysia Economic Monitor, launched today, notes

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