The World Bank: Accelerating Africa’s Aspirations

As Sub-Saharan Africa develops rapidly, it is estimated that the continent will need millions of engineers just to reach a single Millennium Development Goal, that of access to safe water and improved sanitation. However, there is a serious shortage of

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IMF on MENAP: Call for Focus on Job Creation

The near-term economic outlook for the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (MENAP) region has weakened. Difficult political transitions and increased regional uncertainties arising from the complex civil war in Syria and the ongoing developments in Egypt weigh on

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OECD: Latin America’s Outlook Clouded by Asia’s Slowdown and Financial Uncertainty

The external scenario is less favourable for the region due to the downturn in global trade, the moderation in commodity prices and the increased uncertainty surrounding global financing conditions. General Overview The euro area’s weak economic performance, the slowdown in

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European Environment Agency: EU 2050 – Green Economy Needs Fundamental Change

The EU is largely on track to meet its climate change-related goals for 2020. While this is a considerable achievement, I believe there is a lot more to do. Most critically, the incremental gains we are currently achieving to meet

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European Investment Bank: Bank at the Heart of Europe’s Crisis Response

When the leaders of international financial institutions and development banks gathered in Washington DC for their bi-annual meeting a few weeks back, the key focus was somewhat different from the previous ones – for the first time in years, the

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OPIC: Low Write-Offs in Emerging Markets Investments

What organization do you represent? Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the U.S. Government’s development finance institution. In your experience or view, is the invest in Africa story hype or reality? Explain your view using worked examples investment situations, good and bad

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Qatar Tops Per Capita Investment in Dubai Realty (AED 6.71 million), Followed by Oman, UAE, KSA, Germany, India and Britain

Dubai, UAE, 25 February 2014: Qatar has the highest per capita investment in Dubai realty in 2013 (AED 6.71 million), followed by Oman (AED 5.77 million), the UAE (AED 4.56 million), KSA (AED 3.71 million), Germany (AED 2.37 million), India

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Mr Putin Spills His Coffee Reading the Morning Paper

Where is a leader when you need one? He is probably jogging around the White House with his running-mate Joe Biden, trying to keep in shape while figuring out how to keep the Russians in check. Meanwhile in Moscow, Mr

Read More Meets the CEO of Al-Waseet Financial Business Company: Khalifa Abdullah Al-Ajeel

Khalifa Abdullah Al-Ajeel is vice-chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Al-Waseet Financial Business Company. Mr Al-Ajeel is also chairman of the board of the Safat-Tec Holding Company (Kuwait) and is vice-chairman of the board of the Kuwaiti

Read More Meets the CEO of Sultan Group: Bashir Amini

Bashir Amini was born in 1962 in Herat, Afghanistan. He attended the Economy School in Kabul as well as the Goethe Institute there and over the course of his education mastered four languages, including Italian, German, Farsi and English. The

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