Meets the CEO of Professional Traders: Sushant Buttan

Sushant Buttan is a successful entrepreneur and businessman with over a quarter century’s worth of experience in international business. With a background in computer engineering, he started a company based out of India in the early 1990’s with a small

Read More Meets the Founder and President of P.I. Mabe: Juan Gilberto Marín Quintero

At the World Economic Forum Mexican businessman Juan Gilberto Marín Quintero drew attention to his country’s fast-paced development. Mr Marín noted that in Latin America, only Mexico and Chile had managed to implement the far-reaching reforms necessary to underpin accelerated

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PwC: Africa’s Hospitality Sector Poised for Growth

Africa’s hospitality industry is set to meet the rising demand from international tourists, local business travellers, and the continent’s own growing middle class. The sector has seen substantial growth with many international brands descending around commercial and retail centres, growing

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Statement on World Bank’s $2.1 Billion Support to Nigeria

On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 the World Bank Group President Jim Kim held a meeting with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at Blair House in Washington, D.C. In the meeting it was indicated that Nigeria has up toUSD $2.1 billion of

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WGB Launches New Country Partnership Framework to Support Azerbaijan’s Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Growth

The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors today discussed and endorsed the 2015-2020 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Azerbaijan. This CPF represents a five year joint strategy of the World Bank Group comprising the International Bank for Reconstruction and

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Dianne Feinstein: Keeping the Eavesdroppers in Check

Even a US senator can face an uphill battle. Such it is with Dianne Feinstein, vice-chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee in charge of monitoring the entities that monitor global society. Hers is an unenviable position: Mrs Feinstein has to

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World Bank Group: Investing in Women is Vital to Ending Poverty, Boosting Needed Growth

Closing persistent gender gaps is vital to boosting sustainable growth and ending poverty by 2030, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said Tuesday, calling for scaled-up efforts to expand women’s access to good jobs, assets, and infrastructure. “Economic growth

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EU Offers a Third Bailout: Greece Will Remain in the Eurozone but Austerity Stays too

The EU has survived the Greek debt default crisis and after seventeen hours of negotiations agreement for a third bailout was reached today. Greek PM Alexis Tsipras termed the negotiations as a tough battle that resulted in a growth package

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Rachida Dati: Brawn and Brains French Style

Daring stiletto heels and perfectly-fitting leather trousers: Rachida Dati does not lack self-confidence. In fact, her composure is faultless. A daughter not of landed nobility, but of an impoverished bricklayer from Morocco, Rachida Dati was the second-born in a family

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At High-Level Forum, UN Official Calls for Final Push Towards New Sustainability Agenda

The international community stands on the cusp of eradicating extreme poverty and reaching the world’s most vulnerable people with “a chance to live a life of dignity,” the Vice-President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) declared today,

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