Back to homepageBehind the Scenes, Berlin and Beijing Are Forging a New World Order
Geopolitics are on the move with a possibly violent upheaval in the offing. Earlier this month, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Xi Jinping of China donned the mantle of globalism – promising to carry the torch about
Read MoreBob Dylan: Things Have Not Changed
In 1963, The National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee handed its annual Tom Paine Award to Bob Dylan for his contribution to the fight for civil liberties. The 22-year old Dylan did in fact show up to its Bill of Rights
Read MoreDavos: Growing Awareness of Growing Unease
William F Browder of Hermitage Capital Management has been a Davos regular for over twenty years, unfailingly embarking every January on a pilgrimage to the Swiss resort town to mingle with his peers, swap experiences, and ponder the challenges ahead.
Read MoreGrant Thornton: Mobility – A Double Edged Sword?
It would be hard to imagine a chef working without a culinary knife. Different kinds of knives serve different purposes. If used appropriately, these knives can do wonders for their users. However, if used carelessly or even abused, they can
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto, World Bank: What’s Ailing the Brazilian Economy?
Brazil’s GDP is poised to decline by close to 7% in 2015-2016. Per capita GDP in 2016 is likely to shrink by more than 10% as compared to three years ago. We argue here that a double malaise has been
Read MoreAnn Low, National Defense University: Excellence in Government through User-Centric Design
Around the world a revolution is occurring, not one of violent upheaval, but one of excellence. Estonia and New Zealand are the oft-cited exemplars of user-friendly eGovernment, but they are not alone. On every continent, government employees are waking up
Read MoreTravis Kalanick: Uber or Bust
Whether you’re the old-fashioned type that likes to hail a cab by the roadside or rich enough to have your own driver, it’s likely you’re aware of Uber. The company has entered the global consciousness and become a popular culture
Read MoreWorld Bank Group: Development Finance Frontline – Strategic Investment Funds
This is the first of a series of occasional interviews with senior strategic investment fund (SIF) professionals. Tasked with attracting private investors to priority economic sectors and projects, SIFs combine developmental aims with commercial financial return objectives. “The only way
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto, IMF: China’s Spill-Overs on Latin America and the Caribbean
The Chinese economy is rebalancing while softening its growth pace. China’s spillovers on the global economy have operated through trade, commodity prices, and financial channels. The global reach of the effects from China’s transition have recently been illustrated in risk
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence in FinTech
From Product Marketing, through RoboAdvice, Compliance and Fraud Detection activities, Artificial Intelligence is finding its place, but for the forseeable future will make more efficient, rather than replace human activities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been getting a lot of attention
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