Back to homepageEuro Exim Bank: From Caribbean to World Stage, with Pride, Love, and Blockchain
Euro Exim Bank, headquartered in St. Lucia with a representative office in London, is an international financial institution serving corporate businesses around the globe, facilitating trade finance. The company has made great strides in implementing blockchain-based technology into its trade
Read MoreDr Manny Pohl: A Survivor With a Cool Head and a Knack for Long-Term Investment
As a survivor of the 1987 stock market crash and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Manny Pohl has learned the importance of courage and staying true to core values. When times get tough, the line between facts and feelings becomes
Read MoreA Baptism of Fire: Turning £9m Losses Into £6m Profits With Dedication and Teamwork
Co-op Legal Services managing director Caoilionn Hurley joined the firm in 2014 and took on her new leading role in December last year — the latest development in her diverse career history. Having studied law, followed by a postgraduate degree
Read MoreDeutsche Oppenheim Family Office AG: Three Pillars that Ensure Solid Support at Leading Family Office
Deutsche Oppenheim Family Office AG is one of the leading Multi Family Offices in the German market. With roughly 80 experienced and qualified experts it offers comprehensive services around the organisation and management of complex private wealth situations. Created in
Read MoreJakob von Ganske, Ph.D.: Taking Strategic Steps — and Keeping a Close Eye on Risks
Jakob is Head of Investment Consulting and Risk Management, and a member of the Extended Management Board at Deutsche Oppenheim Family Office AG. He has been working in the area of Strategic Asset Allocation and Risk Management as well as
Read MoreThe Importance of Promoting Financial Stability and Growth through International Regulatory Coherence
By Nandini Sukumar, Chief Executive Officer, The World Federation of Exchanges One of the World Federation of Exchanges’ (WFE) strategic priorities for 2019 is the issue of regulatory coherence. The primary reason for this is that the WFE and its
Read MorePwC: CEOs’ Confidence in Business Growth Dips as Global Economy Seen to Falter
CEOs around the world are less optimistic about the strength of the global economy than they were a year ago – and less sure of their organisations’ ability to grow revenues in the short and the medium term. Those chief
Read MoreHumble Beginnings Followed by Rocketship Ride to Success: Andrew Bloom & Jon Hall
After being named Best Digital Bank in the UK for the second consecutive year, Masthaven Bank’s founder and CEO Andrew Bloom and managing director Jon Hall are in an optimistic and reflective mood. Optimistic because the specialist bank is about
Read MoreUNSDG Health Summit in Geneva: Live Coverage
UNSDG healthcare summit is by invitation only, attendance is limited in order to maintain an intimate dialogue among all participants. The event is attended by State Heads, Health Ministers, Policy Makers, Chairman & CEO’s from industry & Civil Societies, High
Read MoreNarendra Modi: Giving India Its Due
He definitely is the man of the moment. The establishment may disagree, but Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India sprang a surprise on his political opponents who had earlier dismissed him as a knee-jerk populist, peddling simplistic solutions to complex
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