Back to homepageThe Great Equaliser That Was Not
In a macabre spin on the corona pandemic, some sociologists and economists tentatively hail the deadly virus as the great equaliser they had been waiting for: the great event that forces the global community to re-examine its destructive ways. History
Read MoreBusiness in Times of Corona: The Lure of Rustbelts When Lean Is No Longer Mean
During their short lifetime, shrimp barely migrate. Aided by a snap of their tail and the tidal currents, the crustaceans may cover a distance of perhaps a few thousand meters in a day. However, once caught, shrimp become a migrating
Read MoreBusiness in Times of Corona: The Welfare State May Yet Prove Its Worth
The currently much deplored absence of a social security safety net is a feature – and not necessarily a bug – of the essentially wage-driven growth model that underpins the US economy. However, under the present exceptional circumstances the script
Read MoreHarvard Business School on Impact-Weighted Accounts: the Missing Piece in Economy Puzzle
Capitalism is in need of a renaissance. Despite headlines of strong global economic growth, there are signs that all is not well. Environmental advocates have been leading calls for change before the climate crisis produces irreversible changes to our world.
Read MoreBlessings, Curses, Co-operation and Collaboration – the Virus is Forcing Knowledge upon us
No one was expecting this. No one knows what will happen next. Does that make this a time to hunker down and wait, to stand on something and watch, or to gamely strive for business-as-usual-as-possible? In that most nebulous and
Read MoreBusiness in Times of Corona: A Gathering Storm Darkens the Prospects of Africa
Even before the corona virus made its presence known, market analysts had no need for prescient powers to predict trouble ahead for South Africa. Already in February, consumer and business confidence had approached a 30-year low as the country’s anaemic
Read MoreBusiness in Times of Corona: The Dangerous Fruit of the Magic Money Tree
In one of life’s little ironies, it was not the senator from Vermont but the billionaire businessman from New York who brought social democracy to the United States. The massive federal aid package now working its way through Congress is
Read MoreBusiness in Times of Corona: Pandemic Puts Eurobonds Back on the Table
The leaders of nine Eurozone countries on Wednesday refloated the previously discarded idea of issuing Eurobonds, a collective debt instrument backed by the combined securities of participating countries, as a way of pooling risk and mitigating the economic impact of
Read MoreBusiness in Times of Corona: Wise Words from Omaha
The life lesson imparted by the Oracle of Omaha does not require much deciphering: Cash is King. Long criticised for hoarding large amounts of readily deployable cash, the third largest publicly listed company in the world, Berkshire Hathaway, stands to
Read MoreEvan Harvey, Nasdaq: Medium Is the Message – ESG Delivery and Market Distrust
Despite cultural assumptions surrounding content and interpretation, we tend to believe that the way we communicate is meaningful. “In operational and practical fact, the medium is the message” — this sturdy pronouncement from Canadian philosopher and social theorist Marshall McLuhan
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