Ramón Martínez Carrera: A Sustained Upward Trajectory — Ethical Strategy Proves a Winner

Industry pioneer Active Capital Reinsurance, Ltd. (Active Re) was founded in in Barbados in 2007, and now has offices in the US, Panama, and Spain. Chief executive Ramón Martínez Carrera reflects on the company’s guiding principles…

Throughout its 15 years of operation, Active Re has exhibited a sustained upward trajectory, driven by the vision of its founder and executive chairman, Juan Antonio Niño.

Ramón Martínez Carrera, Chief Executive, Active Re

Chief Executive: Ramón Martínez Carrera

In recent years, the strategy that I have been responsible for and have been implementing with the management and technical teams is focused on continuously reinforcing the pillars that support our vision of being global, specialised, and innovative, in a way that achieves benefits for all.

Looking to the future, I see Active Re as the preferred reinsurer for local and regional partners, active in fast-growing emerging markets, where we have equally contributed and learned.

Disciplined underwriting, with an aversion to catastrophic exposures and appropriate financial security for the capacities offered, has led to sustained growth, diversification, and profitability in our portfolio. Financial strength, with good operational performance and sound integrated risk management, is the main rationale for the A- (Excellent) rating and positive outlook given to Active Re by AM Best.

The future of the industry is closely linked to increasing innovation and the adoption of paradigms with a greater environmental, social and governance focus.

Along with proper financial control, we promote a corporate culture that encourages innovation at all levels, as well as inclusiveness, respect for universal values, and compliance in all areas and markets where we operate.

To keep pace with technological progress, Active Re will continue to improve its models, foster long-term partnerships, and stimulate professional talent. Our interest in personal, life and health insurance ensures that we follow the evolution of modern consumer financial services platforms, digital commerce and new forms of health and wellness care.

We work in an industry that is directly impacted by climate change, as evidenced by statistics on the increased frequency and severity of catastrophic natural events reported in various latitudes. This marked trend has been compounded in the past two years by the pandemic, disruption in supply chains, and, more recently, geopolitical conflicts and economic volatility with rising inflation. Only the joint action of the private and public sectors, together with international agencies and organisations, will make possible the dream of living in a world that is increasingly resilient, full of opportunity and with less inequality.

I am very optimistic about the business world in which we work. The risk landscape has changed, bringing with it challenges, but also opportunities. Active Re has demonstrated its resilience in these difficult times, absorbing market volatility and expanding its service and solutions offering.

We have successfully entered new markets and lines of business when other competitors have gone in the opposite direction. Our business model and organisational structure are innovative, and we are continuously improving them. We attract and invest in a highly qualified and experienced team of professionals across four generations, representing diverse cultures and nationalities.

This diversity, together with a co-operative and inclusive organisational structure, has been a key factor in better serving our customers and strategic partners.

When I reflect on the personal qualities required to lead an organisation such as Active Re, the classic concepts of knowing how to lead, motivate, reinforce work morale, apply participative formulas, decide and act come to mind.

But new times demand more from leaders, to guide organisations to the efficient fulfilment of their strategic objectives. I have learned that communication is also about listening and interacting with the team and with customers; breaking down internal barriers between physical, digital, commercial and support activities; supporting collaborators.

Trust, accountability, and responsibility go hand-in-hand, and concern us all equally. Opening spaces for discussion and learning from younger employees on specific and important projects is vital for succession planning.

More than half of my professional life has been dedicated to the insurance and reinsurance industry. Each working day represents a new challenge — and a new reason to study until it is solved, with the help of all those who have joined me in the endeavour.

At Active Re, we have an agile, collaborative, entrepreneurial style, focused on the client and our people. It is a source of satisfaction for senior management to know that Active Re is not only recognised for its financial and operational performance, but also for its working environment, employee satisfaction, innovative approach, and ability to adapt and improve in the face of extraordinary events.

Ramón Martínez Carrera

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