The International Financial Institutions: Collaboration for Development and Growth

Leaders of the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank Group pledged on February 26, 2013 close collaboration to support development and growth. The leaders emphasized the need

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DESERTEC Foundation Endorses DESERTEC Power for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

DESERTEC Power was established to advance the energy supply in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This follows the direction of the Kingdom to significantly increase the sustainable power generation from renewable energy sources with viable, feasible, efficient, and sustainable solutions

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European Commission: Helping SMEs Seize Global Opportunities

The priority for Europe now is to overcome the crisis boosting competitiveness and growth. Fast growing emerging markets such as China, India, Russia and Brazil, with strong growth rates and potential represent significant opportunities for EU companies. Exports outside the

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NEPAD: Boosting Africa’s Most Valuable Renewable Natural Assets – Fish

Sierra Leone’s fisheries sector, valued at 735 million US dollars, has received a boost from the Partnership for African Fisheries Programme (PAF), through 1,4 million US dollars disbursed by its West Africa Pilot Project (WAPP).  This intervention will provide direct

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DESERTEC: Clean Power From Deserts

By Michael Düren Solar power from deserts can contribute significantly to a future renewable energy system. The technically accessible solar potential in deserts exceeds the global energy demand by a factor of 20. In the DESERTEC concept, a smart super

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Enterprise Europe Network: Helping SMEs Realise their Potential

Small businesses looking to succeed in today’s market need to trade across borders, invest in research and development and access finance and funding. A unique business support network set up by the European Commission and operating in 50 countries helps

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World Bank Group: Create Jobs by Focusing Industries to be Competitive

Focusing Investment in Industries Poised for Growth Can Help Generate Jobs, Income and Wealth.  By Janamitra Devan Job creation is the top priority of governments worldwide, as countries large and small struggle to overcome the prolonged global economic downturn. Amid

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Confidence in Dubai Returns as Region’s Largest Real Estate Event Reports Strong Growth

Dubai, UAE, 19 June 2012: Cityscape Global, the Middle East’s largest and most influential international real estate event is expected to grow by 25 per cent this year, as international developers from the world’s emerging markets look to the region

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MEED Quality Awards for Projects 2012 Announced

The high standard of nominees and winners for MEED Quality award for Projects 2012 is a testament to the standard of projects taking place in the GCC.  UAE leads winners at MEED Quality Awards for Projects with four regional awards. 

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Emerging Managers Summit South

October 2012 – Las Vegas, NV If you are looking to expand and diversify your asset allocation by investing in emerging managers as well as women and minority owned investment managers, the emerging managers conference will provide the unique opportunity to

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