North America
Back to homepageTroy Wiseman: Bamboo – A Sustainable Source of Fibre
Over the last ten years, REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) and REDD+ developments have proved that the price attributed to, and the willingness to pay for, forest based ecosystem services – whether through compliance or voluntary schemes
Read MoreWorld Bank Group: Should Oil Exporters Shift Capital Stock to Renewables?
As the Financial Times pointed out recently, oil companies such as ExxonMobil and Shell would, under measures considered for the global climate pact to be sealed in Paris next year, cease to exist in their current forms in 35 years.
Read MoreTD: Making the Environment Part of the Bank’s DNA
When Mike Pedersen joined TD Bank Group in 2007 as Group Head, Corporate Operations, he was tasked with putting an environmental strategy in place for the bank. Early on, he saw the need for full-time executive leadership to drive the
Read Meets the President and CEO of TD Bank: Mike Pedersen
As green as its corporate logo – or greener still: TD Bank Group, one of the six largest banks in North America and the first to fully offset its corporate carbon footprint, has placed the environment at the core of
Read MoreEllen Ochoa: How Dreams Come True
Going into space is the stuff of dreams, fiction, or fantasy. Plans for space tourism may materialise in the future, but currently astronauts are a very select group numbering around 550. Growing up in California in the 1960s, schoolgirl Ellen
Read MoreThe Time Is Now: Paradigm Shift Signals Opportunity
Few people realise that in 2013 a turning point was reached. In that year, emerging economies displaced developed markets as the main engines of global economic growth. This was not a one-off event or an oddity: it signalled no less
Read MoreA Memorable Faux Pas: Warren Buffett Gets His Facts Wrong
Billionaire investor guru Warren Buffett has come to the defence of the American Dream – the promise of intergenerational upward social mobility enabled by a society that values hard work and knows few, if any, barriers. Usually quite sensible, spirited,
Read MoreEvan Harvey, Nasdaq: Stock Exchanges, European Capital Markets, and Sustainability
Sustainability is already part of the global market ecosystem. Exchanges and regulators have embraced it, researchers and academics have validated it, and the law in many places already requires it. Even if the perspective remains limited to the US Supreme
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: BRICS Apart as Oil Prices Plunge
The oil price plunge since last June has been deemed, overall, as a boon for the global economy. However, that depends on where one stands as a producer or user, as illustrated here with the divergence of impacts on BRICS
Read MoreMary Jo White: Pushing Back Softly but Relentlessly
Over the course of her career, Mary Jo White, the current chair of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has accumulated much experience going after mobsters, terrorists, and financial fraudsters. As New York district attorney, a position she held
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