Back to homepageWorld Bank on COVID-19 in Africa: Can Safety Nets Ease Social and Economic Impacts?
Across the world, governments have geared up to respond to the socio-economic shock of the coronavirus pandemic. Early action in countries hard-hit by the crisis range from economic stimulus packages and the lowering of interest rates to social safety nets
Read MoreKristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF: Europe and the Global Recovery in 2021
We are at a point in our history where it is paramount to concentrate on what this crisis entails, what are the risks and opportunities a recovery will present to us, and how to bring the world together. These will
Read MorePwC Africa: Africa’s Finance Leaders Take Steps to Ensure the Safety of Workers
As lockdown regulations are eased all over the world, business leaders are recognising that they have a critical role to play in the safety, health and stability of their employees and customers. While business leaders implement new policies and processes
Read MoreLord Waverley: Making the Case for Emerging Markets
The world awaits what emerges from post-Covid traumas. States will be required to consider how to balance budgets, how to derive income from which aspects of the economy to pay for essential services. There will be those who will dig
Read MoreEuropean Investment Bank: A United Europe Can Emerge Stronger From the Pandemic
The most marked economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis is on small businesses, which find themselves with insufficient resources to fight for survival. They need co-ordinated relief, and a collaborative international effort is the obvious way to face the problem.
Read MoreHow Will the Pandemic Impact Pay Equity Within the Finance Industry?
The financial services industry is at a turning point. Though there is evidence to suggest that the global coronavirus pandemic could set back several years’ worth of hard-earned progress in closing the gender pay-gap in the sector, it has provided
Read MoreAnshula Kant, MD and CFO of the World Bank Group: Power of Capital Markets in the Battle Against COVID-19
Managing Director and World Bank Group CFO Anshula Kant reflects on the crisis engulfing the world, and the opportunities we have to build back. I can’t remember a time in my life when a single event has mobilised the entire
Read MoreHarvard Business School Impact-Weighted Accounts: Accounting as a Force for Humility and Prosperity
Amid the immeasurable human tragedy and losses from the COVID-19 pandemic, there are innumerable lessons to be learned. While it may seem callous to derive such lessons from the disaster so early, finding meaning has been added as a sixth
Read MoreUNCTAD: COVID-19 Has Hurt Global Investment but the Recovery Offers the Chance to Build a More Sustainable Economy
The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted investment and trade flows, but it arrives on top of existing challenges to the system of international production and trade. Flows of cross-border investment in physical productive assets stopped growing
Read MoreBrazil’s Economic Crossroads: Which Path Will It Choose?
Latin America’s largest economy entered the pandemic before it could heal from its worst recession in decades. First appeared at Americas Quarterly By Otaviano Canuto As the pandemic unfolds, Brazil is paying a huge human cost, with the number of
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