Bernard Yeung: Global Citizen at NUS

Bernard Yeung

It seems rather appropriate that Prof. Bernard Yeung, dean of National University of Singapore Business School is truly a global citizen. He holds three nationalities and is part of the growing trend that has seen top academics returning to their native Asia. Under his stewardship, NUS is attracting top faculty from across the globe and recreating the concentration of academic talent found in leading western institutions. This concentration of talent is key because – given the need for the development of the region – it is not going to be possible to rely on existing text books. New ideas and better understandings must be nurtured as rapidly growing Asia takes full advantage of the industrial, scientific and economic knowledge that has been build up over the past hundreds of years. Prof. Yeung is at the forefront of creating the kind of academic institution that Asia needs and it is clear that NUS will be producing graduates that can take full advantage of the opportunities that abound and avoid the pitfalls as Asian economies converge with those of the developed world.

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