Indonesia To Top “Happy Index”

Indonesian are the world’s most content people according to new research. Emerging markets and half of the BRIC economies (represented by India 2nd, and Brazil 4th) are top 4 in the recently published well-being or “Happiness” ranking. Mexico came 3rd.

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Can Malaysia Lay a New Silk Road?

Ben Lewis, The Asian Lawyer (20/02/12): For many international lawyers, the term Islamic finance immediately calls to mind images of the sleek Persian Gulf financial centers of Dubai and Doha. Kuala Lumpur is working to change that. The Malaysian capital

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Lending Helps JPMorgan, but 4th Quarter Was Soft

Wall Street, more than three years after the financial crisis, has loosened its lending tap. Consumers, however, have yet to reap the benefits. Results announced on Friday by the nation’s strongest and biggest bank by assets, JPMorgan Chase, point to a

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U.S. Trade Deficit and Consumer Sentiment Rise

The United States trade deficit widened in November to its largest point in five months, prompting some economists to slightly rein in growth expectations for the fourth quarter. A separate survey released on Friday showed that consumer sentiment hit an

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Let Mexico’s Moguls Battle

The Economist (04/02/12): Mexico suffers from two near-monopolies. It should let them fight each other IN A futuristic art gallery which Carlos Slim opened last year in Mexico City, visitors can enjoy, among other things, a hall of rare coins

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A New Generation of Banker

Brazilian Alessandra França, by no means fits the banking stereotype  at only 26 she has already, established a bank for the poor after reading the biography of Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2006. By Marco dos Santos The young

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Brazilian Blowout Legally Labeled Carcinogenic … Will It Matter?

Amy Westervelt, Forbes (30/01/12): Last year women’s magazines and pop culture blogs were afire with the news that the popular Brazilian Blowout–an expensive salon treatment that promises to smooth and straighten hair for up to six months–released formaldehyde, a known

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Big Banks: Cure or Curse for the Global Economy?

Friday 27 January 2012, CFI with report from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland with anchor Bloomberg Television Key Points Banking reforms are still a work in progress – there is still a long way to go before the global

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Carlos Slim May Pour $14 Billion To Strengthen Latin American Cell Phone Empire

Ivan Castano, Forbes (24/01/12): The richest man in the world wants to make sure his cell-phone company America Movil, the largest in Latin America, remains that way. To do so, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu could invest at least $13.9

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Sharing of the “Abu Dhabi Experience” To Support Enhanced Environmental Decision Making in Emerging Economies

The Eye on Earth Abu Dhabi 2011 Summit is dedicated to the critical issue of greater access to environmental and societal data for enhanced decision making, especially in emerging economies. His Highness Sheikh Hamdan also welcomed former President Bill Clinton

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