Back to homepageFemale Head of Petrobras is the ‘Inside Outsider’
As the first female CEO of a major global oil company appointed by Brazil’s first female president, there has been much interest in Maria das Graças Silva Foster. But her acquired role at Petrobras should have come as no surprise.
Read MoreThe Spotlight on David Beckham
One of the best known faces on the planet, David Beckham, 38 years old, became an Image Ambassador for Chinese Football after his twenty year playing career came to an end last season. The League in China is known for
Read MoreBentley Motors Middle East: World’s Biggest Workshop in Dubai
Sales In March this year, Bentley Motors announced its financial results for the year ending 31 December 2012, reporting a significantly increased operating profit of Euros 100.5m compared to Euros 8m in 2011. Bentley boosted its total turnover by 29.9%
Read MoreIbukun Awosika: An Inspiration to Nigerian Entrepreneurs
Mrs Ibukun Awosika exemplifies the Nigerian entrepreneurial spirit, represents the true face of Nigerian business and highlights the opportunities that Nigeria presents to entrepreneurs. When Awosika took up work for a furniture company as a young, fresh-faced 25 year this
Read MoreHero Kapila: Remembering Darfur
The whistleblower that exposes misconduct in organisations is becoming more and more important to society and has a protected and honourable place within good corporate governance. While we have concerns that some well-meaning whistleblowing can have dangerous repercussions (for example,
Read MoreDr Ramphele: Opposing the ANC
This year, Mamplela Ramphele, aged 65, formed Agang (Build) a political party to oppose the African National Congress (ANC). She is an accomplished academic, medical doctor, anti-apartheid activist, former World Bank managing director and this issue’s Hero from South Africa.
Read MoreUrsula Burns: Driving Change at Xerox
Ursula Burns has a certain prominence in our minds because she became the first African-American woman to run a Fortune 500 company. Yes, of course, she is a trail blazer in this regard but it was not for this reason
Read MoreCBI: Encouraging Signs from the UK Jobs Market
The CBI commented last week on the latest official labour market data, showing that employment grew by 16,000 and unemployment fell by 57,000 in the three months to May, while the number of people taken on as employees rose by
Read MoreIMF: Sri Lanka Has the Potential
On July 9, Anoop Singh, Director of the IMF’s Asia Pacific Department, delivered the keynote speech at the inauguration of the 2013 Sri Lanka Economic Summit, held in Colombo. The event was sponsored by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and
Read MoreWorld Bank: Efforts for Better Land Governance in Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa is home to nearly half of the world’s usable, uncultivated land but so far the continent has not been able to develop these unused tracts, estimated at more than 202 million hectares, to dramatically reduce poverty and boost
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