Meets CSL Stockbrokers

Gboyega Balogun (Managing Director) Mr Balogun holds a B.Sc. in Economics and Management from the University of London (Royal Holloway College) and M.Sc. in Property Investment from City University, London. He is a registered member of the New York Stock

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BFA CEO Dr Emídio Pinheiro (52) was born in Lisbon and obtained a degree in economics at Universidade Católica de Lisboa. He pursued his studies at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa where he received an MBA in collaboration with Wharton

Read More Meets Nuno Amado

A Determined Leader for Challenging Times. In February 2012, Nuno Amado was elected Chief Executive Officer of Portugal’s largest private bank, Millennium bcp (Banco Comercial Português). Since then, Mr Amado has led the bank through a complex and challenging restructuring

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UN: Towards a Rights-based Approach to Migration

The General Assembly High-level Dialogue on Migration and Development opened on Thursday 3rd October in New York with a call from United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to implement measures that protect the rights of millions of migrants as well as

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The World Bank: Calling for an End to Poverty

With more than a billion people in the world living on less than $1.25 per day, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim today said this week that extreme poverty was “the defining moral issue of our time,” and he

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What Really Spurred the Great Recession?

Based on the research of Ravi Jagannathan, Mudit Kapoor and Ernst Schaumburg Globalization and the U.S. dollar are as much to blame as banks Many people would no doubt like to forget all about the great recession. The blame has

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Islamic Banking: London’s City Finds New Calling

In a bid to attract a new category of investors and to become a leading centre of Islamic finance, the City of London has assembled a task force to spread the word on Sharia-compliant banking. “The aim of our task

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World Bank Initiative for a Low Carbon Future

The World Bank has announced a new Low-Carbon Liveable Cities (LC2) Initiative to support developing country cities around the world in their efforts to plan low-carbon, climate-smart development and get finance flowing. The initiative – which aims to reach 300

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IPPC Report on Global Warming: Formidable Effort in Juggling with Fuzzy Numbers

In about 25 years the world will have used up its remaining “carbon credit” for the current century. Additional emissions will contribute to global warming beyond the tipping point of two degrees (C), the safety threshold used by most scientists

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CBI: Great Expectations on the UK High Street But Not Out of The Woods Yet

High-street sales continued to grow strongly in the year to September, at the fastest pace since June 2012, and exceeded already solid expectations, according to the CBI’s latest monthly Distributive Trades Survey of 111 firms. This was the third consecutive

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