Bullish on Chile: Elections Prompt New Thinking

Copper is set for a price rebound. Manufacturing output in China is up more than analysts predicted and that country’s growing demand for refined copper has significantly decreased global stockpiles. Copper prices have already recovered from this year’s low of

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UN Concern on International Day: Conflicts and the Environment

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon yesterday highlighted the importance of protecting the environment in times of armed conflict, and stressed that strong natural resource governance can help prevent conflict and contribute to long-term peace. “Strengthening natural resource governance and improving

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Sampension: PPP as a Way Forward for a Modern Welfare System

Public Private Partnerships (PPP) can be defined as a long-term contract between the public authority and a private partner. In Denmark it now seems clear that PPP is particularly suitable for infrastructure projects that will further the development of society.

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Bentley Motors: Keeping Assembly at Home

The Bentley SUV Bentley Motors recently confirmed that it will proceed with the development of the Bentley SUV, the company’s fourth model line. The SUV will be made in Crewe and will go on sale in 2016. It will create

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PwC, South Africa: Contributing to the Development of South Africa

All businesses need to know about Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE).  Following the demise of the apartheid regime in South Africa in 1993, the new government introduced Black Economic Empowerment to promote positive discrimination in an attempt to counter the

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Maha Al-Ghunaim: Enterprising Ladies – Investing in Future Entrepreneurs

Maha Al-Ghunaim is chairperson and managing director of Global Investment House (GIH) – one of the largest such operations in the Gulf Region. She co-founded GIH in 1998 and just ten years later saw her business become the very first

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Siegmund Warburg: People and Passion First – Profits to Follow

These days, far too often loan applications for the funding of promising business ideas are rejected out of hand by bank computers that spits out a resounding ‘no’. Algorithms lacking intelligence, senses and – indeed – sense, now rule the

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Muhammad Yunus: Enabling the Poor to Rise and Prosper

Muhammad Yunus is a soft-spoken gentleman with a South Asian accent. When he speaks, presidents strain to listen. Being one of only seven people to have won the Nobel Peace Prize, Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Gold Medal,

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BlackRock: Bridging the Gap – The Rise of Infra Funds in Privately Financed Infrastructure

By BlackRock Infrastructure Debt Team In the wake of the global recession, privately-financed infrastructure has become a hot topic for policy makers from Berlin to Paris, London, and Washington. The attractions are not hard to see – private infrastructure is

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European Investment Bank: “Vienna Initiative” Keeps Credit Flowing

International financial institutions have joined forces to help calm economic turbulence and avert a collapse in the provision of credit to Central and South East European countries. Now in its second phase, the “Vienna Initiative” by the European Investment Bank,

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