Back to homepageCharlie Hebdo Attack: The Triumph of the Last Laugh
In the wake of the terrorist attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which left ten staff members and two police officers dead, it is more important than ever to remember – and indeed emphasise – the difference between
Read MoreChange the Economy – Save the World
By Christoph Greil, PhD student of public international law at the University of Vienna. A call for a more social and ecologically sustainable economic system: Capitalism does not offer a way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, a
Read MoreEvangelos Marinakis: A Councilman of Note
Though the past made him a rich man, Evangelos Marinakis now wants to break with it. Elected councilman in Piraeus, Mr Marinakis aims to introduce new models for the management and development of the port city: “This is something people
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Navigating Brazil’s Path to Growth
Brazil’s macroeconomic management faces four major immediate challenges. The response to them will be strengthened if economic agents could have some indication of how the Brazilian economy will be steered back to a growth route. The first challenge will be
Read MoreMamta Murthi: World Bank to Help Poland Resolve the “Robin Hood” Tax Issue
The World Bank is helping Poland design a new system called the “Robin Hood” tax system. In the first quarter of 2015 a working group composed of representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the World Bank, subnational governments and academia will
Read MoreUpcoming Greek Vote a Buying Opportunity?
Mark Zandy is worried that Greece may yet prove the undoing of the euro as the country prepares for elections. Mr Zandy is chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. He fears the Greek opening Pandora’s Box on January 25 could well
Read MoreFishing for a Sustainable and Equitable Future in the Pacific
World Bank approves US$32.97 million for regional fisheries program. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved US$32.97 million in International Development Association (IDA) grants and credits to support the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) – a regional
Read MoreWorld Bank Approves Financing for Nepal Grid Solar and Energy Efficiency Project
The World Bank today approved a US$130 million credit for the Nepal Grid Solar and Energy Efficiency Project to help address Nepal’s energy shortages that are a major constraint to economic growth and overcoming poverty. The project intends to increase
Read MoreWorld Bank to Promote High-Quality Innovations in Kazakhstan
The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$88 million loan to help Kazakhstan foster innovation by promoting high-quality nationally relevant research and commercialization of technologies. The Fostering Productive Innovation Project will contribute to improving critical areas, such
Read MoreLebanon: Developing an Internet Ecosystem to Keep Young Talent at Home
High youth unemployment has led to high economic migration from Lebanon Creating an internet workspace could help would-be entrepreneurs Lebanon is well-positioned to develop apps for international markets With youth unemployment close to 34 percent—and little domestic demand for educated
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